Phigros/스토리/Chapter EX

덤프버전 : (♥ 1)


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1. [Item Report] Tabloid
2. [Item Report] Red Bow
3. Red Bow - Clue I
4. [Item Report] Clay Flowerpot
5. Clay Flowerpot - Clue I
6. Clay Flowerpot - Clue II
7. [Rec] Under the Dress
8. Under the Dress - Clue I
9. [Announcement] The Treasure of 17
10. [Rec] Pigeon Assembly
11. [Rec] Three Lucky Fish
12. Challenge Letter to 17
13. Challenge Letter to 17 - Clue I
14. [File] Burn'd Duck
15. This year on the New Year's Gala
16. One less person in the Travelling Squad
17. Another me in the world
18. Family and friends gather together
19. Future falls down to me
20. Decryption – The Last Notalium
21. Decryption – Half A Letter
22. Decryption - Golem
23. Decryption - The Client
24. Sound of Life

1. [Item Report] Tabloid[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
On December 7th, the 677th issue of Sober Daily was secretly taken out of the Library. Upon recovery, it was covered in a liquid of unknown origin.
En excerpt from the magazine reads:
Urban Legends Column
Dear readers, thank you for your continued support. Today Leaf will tell you a story about the flower oceans in the center of Bailin City.
"Back when Bailin was just an unexceptional settlement, people had used flesh and blood to pave the barren land. Shortly after, hundreds upon hundreds of flowers have blossomed there, completely saturating the landscape.
Thats the end of the story. I hope everyone liked it. See you next time."

2. [Item Report] Red Bow[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
This bow, while as cute and innocent as its owner, isn’t anything special.

3. Red Bow - Clue I[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
However there is a faint scent of blood emanating from the fabric.

4. [Item Report] Clay Flowerpot[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
A seemingly ordinary flowerpot containing a single flower. When no wind is present, the flower appears to be swaying happily.

5. Clay Flowerpot - Clue I[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
Produced in a flower ocean on Floor V, by a potter girl whose ceramic house is the only artificial sight in the area.

6. Clay Flowerpot - Clue II[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
When the girl handed him the flowerpot, it felt as if something had been inserted into his heart.
In an instant, the girl was torn apart like a thin piece of paper, and all the flowers on the field became erratic and wild, dancing wantonly.

7. [Rec] Under the Dress[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
Just as he was about to be completely melted into the hellish scenery, the flower field reverted back to its original appearance./r/n“Is it over? Am I saved?” /r/nThe girl smiled sweetly, and without answering, started picking the hardened eyeballs up from the ground.
Since the time she fell into the flower field, nobody has survived; from now till the end of time, no one will be saved. The body becomes nourishment, and the soul is left twisted, forever wandering. Indifferently witnessing the perishing of every person that comes next. /r/nThe sea of flowers contorts the girl's shadow, carefully detects the signs of a soul, and holding the flower pot, guides her towards the next target.

8. Under the Dress - Clue I[편집]

SupervisiorMid-Level Containment Shelter
As the wind blows over the flower ocean, it creates flower waves. Two people overlooked these movements and smiled at each other.
"We did it.”
"No. You did it."
The masked man looked at the eyeballs under the girl's skirt. They were ready to move and reach out for him. It seems that he's thinking about whether the man in front of him will be their next companion.
"You are here to pick me up, right?”
I don’t know how many years the girl has spent in the flower field, nor do I know how much flesh and blood she has consumed in that time. She gradually grows bigger. Inching towards her destiny.
The masked man took out a glass bottle. She began to drown in it, and scattered into thousands of petals. The petals dyed the water red. The girl showed her visage one last time, gradually sinking, like a leaf that had lost its vitality, leaving only the transparent stem veins. He found her, threw her away, and forgot her.
"Another one was recovered. Let's see who's left..."
The masked man opened a file and through it quickly. Almost every page was marked with a large red cross.His fingers stayed, and a faded photo came into his view. It depicted two young girls.They were his next goal.

9. [Announcement] The Treasure of 17[편집]

"Congratulations youngster, you have made it to the summer vacation of 2091!
Have you decided what you want to do during the summer?
A part-time job? A training camp? No?
Have you considered signing up for the Treasure of Seventeen event?
Just enlist, find clues, and you will have a chance to earn great rewards!
Those who manage to find all the clues, and elliminate their competition, will recieve the *ultimate* prize...
Don't hesitate. Join now, and open your eyes!"

10. [Rec] Pigeon Assembly[편집]

After the Team Pigeon had successfully signed up for "Treasure of Seventeen", the VR system materialized a brass trumpet, with a message engraved onto its surface.
"This item is a symbol of participation in the treasure hunt belonging to Aquinn, Huo and Yeeh. Their two supervisors, Yaakov Langdonman and Wu Yueying, swore an oath to professional ethics to help Team Pigeon grow as a result of, and survive this event. "

11. [Rec] Three Lucky Fish[편집]

After the Monsoon Team had successfully signed up for the "Treasure of Seventeen", the VR system materialized an ocarina decorated with various paintings of fish, as well as an engraving.
"This item is a symbol of Xiaopeng's, Jora's, and Verde's participation in the Treasure of Seventeen event. Their two supervisors, Mayor Yu and Gusbon, are from now on obligated to help Team Monsoon achieve knowledge and experience during this trial."

12. Challenge Letter to 17[편집]

We are a group of puzzle enthusiasts from NazoGame. Upon solving the various puzzles of the "Treasure of Seventeen",and reaching the finish line, we found it necessary to show our gratitude to Pigeon Games, for providing us with four additional clues. We couldn't have done it without you.
Are YOU willing to accept the challenge?
From: Nazo
Phi Project

13. Challenge Letter to 17 - Clue I[편집]

>> G:azo\Phi Project001\Search_Log 1/03/20
Found 1 record
\>>> G:azo\Phi Project001\Show_Log 1/03/20
Signal received by system. Attempting to decode.
Decoding failed. Saving draft file.
Geopelia: Let's see... Hmm, that's strange. I should run Xandboxie.
Timestamp of 7370320 appeared in the sandbox.
Then, the stamp disappeared, a different string taking its place: "What is freedom?"
Geopelia: Freedom? What happened to the regular startup message?
The text disappeared, the screen turned red, then black, and finally displayed a single question mark.
Geopelia: That's interesting... I might have seen something likr this before, in the database... Let's try... Oh, there it is.
Geopelia: In "What is freedom", should I replace the "freedom"?
Gino: Cuckoo, what are you doing?
Geopelia: My name is not cuckoo! Coo!
While the two were fooling around, song lyrics slowly showed up on the screen:
Civilisation annihilated in vast universe
The bold seek their way in a network of mazes
Answer to the riddle needs only two characters
Guidance given to my heart
The truth is
\>>> G:azo\Phi Project001\

14. [File] Burn'd Duck[편집]

A document found on Alpa's hard drive.
[On a brightly lit street, the smell of roasted ducks was escaping the constraints of every exhaust fan, permeating the air. Sinking into every piece of clothing, it took control of people as if they were mere puppets, and lead them to the store front.]
[It was late afternoon, but the outside was already dark and snowy. NceS was sitting in an armchair, with fidgeting with his hands. His right eyelid was twitching uncontrollably, which made him quite worried. He was considering closing the shop for that day.]
Wuji: You have some customers coming your way.
NceS: Is that so? Wait, Wuji, what's wrong with your face? How did it change again?
Wuji: Don't touch it dummy, this new face is far too precious.
NceS: Ahh, Wuji... You are escaping from someone again, aren't you. Before you ask, I haven't done any illegal smuggling for many years, so don't evem bother.
Wuji: What? Come on, what could I possibly be running from?
[The man was acquainted with NceS since before he was called Wuji. This time he got in trouble with the administration, and inexplicably decided to visit his ond friend.]
NceS: What's wrong with you people? I say let the old pigeons scream all over the street. I don't care. But they have covered your food and residence, and your wage will be paid one day. So why would you add bugs to the system?
Wuji: Ah, so you already know... The old AI was pushed out of the gate. This time, if something goes wrong, they won't get paid, and the entire union will collapse. And when that happens, I will have to make all the charts myself. But just look at my hands! They are covered in bruises blood and sores already!
NceS: Yeah right! As if I'm gonna believe that!
Wuji: I don't understand. It's like your attention was always some place elsewhere...
NceS: Oh, my friend, it was just me playing mahjong with JiangMiTiao and Ctymax over a brain call.
Wuji: So you always knew? Why didn't you tell them?
NceS: You know I couldn't do that... Do you want to hide here with us?
Ash: I wouldn't mind that!
Wuji: Damn it, they're here! I will drop by again tomorrow!
NceS: Oh, farewell then. You're welcome at any time.
TV: Urgent news: The VR cyber virus known as Rubbishphobia, notably spread by a malicious program called "Phigros", is finally under control. Our city's paving expert, Sound Souler, wants to remind the public that Rubbishphobia can be treated by hitting your head against the floor. Repeatedly.
NceS: What the hell is this-

15. This year on the New Year's Gala[편집]

[It is a winter evening at the editorial office of Limbo Wiki. The floor heating is on, with fruits all set in the tray on the table. Geopelia lazily lies on the sofa, staring at the flashing scenes on big TV screen that look like many hypnotic symbols, making her fall asleep. Fuli is setting up the New Year decoration. She stands on the cutting table, with a small lantern in her hand, struggling with the swaying chandelier.]
Fuli: You little thing wanna fight with me huh? I will let you know wh, who’s in char, charge here……
[Geopelia takes a look at the kitchen, clicks her tongue, and falls back into the sofa.]
Geopelia: Hmmm…… so boring.
Fuli: Come and help me then.
Geopelia: Hmmm…… too lazy to move.
[The TV just happened to show some scenes of koalas. Geopelia suddenly feels like she could be a reincarnation of a koala.]
Fuli: Then make a call and ask Gino and Mill. They should have been back for dinner by now.
Geopelia: Hmmm…… it is what it is.
[Looking at the commercials, have a break, have a——]
Fuli: Oh right, you can invite the other friend of you as well. It is more fun with more people here for the festival.
Geopelia: Oh,
[On a second thought, she finds something not quite right.]
Geopelia: Which friend of mine?
Fuli: The one from Kalpa sub-space. I remembered that she lives in Selene.
Geopelia: You mean Lana? Oh yea, she will be on the New Year’s Gala of the Clock City.
Fuli: ???
[Turned to Saturn Channel 1, the guests of the Gala are giving out their new year wishes. Lana is one of them. She has a pair of fake ponytails today and wears a blue and white dress that stands out.]
Host: Is there anything that Miss Lana wants to say to the audience?
Lana: Geopelia! Watch it closely! My transformation!
[Geopelia gives it a cold shoulder and turned of the TV with a swear word.]
Geopelia: See?
Fuli: Nevermind.
Geopelia: Hmmm……
[Geopelia lies back onto the sofa, but then frowns. Lana’s outfit looks quite familiar. She might have seen it somewhere.]

16. One less person in the Travelling Squad[편집]

[Selene, Jujube fortress region, where Lana lives, a few guests from far away wonders outside the door.]
Elaine: The navigation says it’s here.
[The door and windows are closed. No light inside the room. It seems that no one is home.]
Kalpa: Perhaps she’s outside. We should wait.
Elaine: The speeds of time flow are different on both sides. Maybe she forgot to go back today.
Kalpa: I don’t think so?
Iris: So as we are waiting, do y’all want some freshly baked biscuits?
Elaine&Kalpa: No.
Iris: Ugh?
[Iris is a bit disappointed. Everyone loves her biscuits in her imagination.]
Elaine: Speaking of biscuits, how’s Arcyone doing?
Kalpa: Better now. She got the strength to swear now.
Iris: Arcyone? Oh yea, Arcyone said she would be joining us though.
Kalpa: Don’t you remember Iris? She ate your biscuits before we left. Now she is stilling lying in bed.
Iris: It seems so……
Elaine: Promise me, kid, don’t ever put poisonous mushrooms again,
Iris: Wait, the mushrooms are poisonous?
[While the few are speechless to Iris, a young lady with long indigo hair approaches them.]
Igallta: Are you looking for the house owner?
Kalpa: Yes. Do you know where she has gone to?
Igallta: Unfortunately, Lana went to attend the New Year’s Gala.
Iris: What is New Year’s Gala?
Kalpa: It is a TV show. I’ve heard of it from Geopelia.
Igallta: Are you friends of Geopelia?
Elaine: She’s been to our world.
Kalpa: I remember now. I’ve seen you in the song.
[Time goes back to 2 weeks ago. On her way to the Sky Dome, she accidentally fell into a sub-space called Kalpa. Because of the law of sub-space, she lost her memories. Kalpa and the Aste and Mero sisters helped her.]
Igallta: In that case, how about we go to Geopelia first? After the end of the show, Lana will be there too.
Kalpa: It won't be any trouble, will it?
Igallta: Totally not. Fuli said the more people the better.
Elaine: I guess that's the only way.
Iris: Wait, Lana really doesn't remember anything?
Kalpa: ......
Elaine: It does seem so.

17. Another me in the world[편집]

*: Found a spot, in the middle of the second row.
Yomiga: Ho-Ho, I see it! Come here, Nami. The show is about to begin!
Nami: Coming, coming!
[In Clock City Channel Studio 1, three of the audience from a distant world are finally seated before the New Year’s Gala begins. Unlike other audience, they are here for a special mission, which will decide if they can safely go home.]
Yomiga: Though we came here ASAP upon receiving the message, but what type of Act is the New Year’s Gala anyway? The curtain’s closed. Can’t see anything……
Nami: Well, you’ll know it when the BOSS appears.
*: I remember reading from the book, that the traditional New Year’s Gala includes comedy skits, singing and dancing, acrobatics, magic tricks, and other shows, as well as a few news segments.
Yomiga: So it’s a composite?
Nami: Well no, Carmen said there is only 1 part to the Act. We can go back to our world after defeating it.
*: Seems that the BOSS is hidden in one of the segments.
Yomiga: Wait, the analysis report is out. The scene title is -- ANOTHER ME?
[While the three are discussing, the standard opening chorus has started. The performers are taking the stage while the teleprompter on both sides of the stage show the song titles, including popular hit songs like WATER, 雪降り、メリクリ.]
*: Something’s wrong. The data is rising rapidly.
Nami: Is it coming!
[The lights dim, and the cogs turn. As the high voice of the female singer begins, something bizarre happened. The singer on stage has a high resemblance of Yomiga.]
Yomiga: Is she…
[On stage, Lana looks into the audience. The blue-haired girl wearing headphone is staring at her. But Lana does not stop. She needs to go to the polyphonic track next. A cosplay fan? So she has fans in PhigrOS now.]
Yomiga: Wait!
[With that, she chased after her.]

18. Family and friends gather together[편집]

Igallta: Long time no see.
Fuli: Yo, it’s been a long time.
Geopelia: You just video called yesterday.
Igallta: [Laugh] That’s true.
Fuli: Hey don’t blow it.
[Since Ark Mirage, Fuli and Igallta have been together a lot. Seems that they’ve become good friends.]
Fuli: They are?
Geopelia: This is Kalpa. And two of the Twelve Palace guardians. Should be.
[Should be?]
Fuli: Are you here to pick up Lana?
Kalpa: As you said.
Fuli: All right then. Come in.
Iris: Me is Iris. You want some biscuits? We already made some, but there was a little problem…… I can make them on the spot!
Elaine: I’m Elaine, the temporary supervisor of this kid.
Iris: Iris is also a guardian. Iris doesn’t need a supervisor.
.Elaine: All right all right, here’s some mandarin orange. Open your mouth.
Iris: Ah~
[Are they here to do comedy?]
Geopelia: Lana is in charge of the second channel. Might only come after 1 or 2 am.
Fuli: No rush. Here’s the deal. We can all stay for the New Year’s Eve dinner. If there’s not enough food, I can ask Gino to bring back some more.
Gino: Unfortunately, I’m already back.
[The familiar figure with a slightly embarrassed smile. I pulled out my phone and dialled the number of a fellow bird.]
Naberius: No cash, no insurance, and not available for mah-jong.
Geopelia: It’s me, Dr Crow.
Naberius: Oh, it’s you, Coo-coo. We will be there in a minute.
Geopelia: We have an emergency. Bring some code dishes.
Naberius: Okok. Then five-spiced beef, boiled chicken slices, beef and beef offal, multi-flavoured jelly fish, preserved eggs with sauce, chicken feet with pickled peppers, are these enough? If not, hey, Mill what are you doing --
[Noises of quarrelling and fighting for the phone.]
Mill: Whims? Three of them? Suggest eliminating.Geopelia: Nope, they are guests.
Mill: Tsk, not fun.
Naberius: Ok so what I was saying --
Geopelia: That’s enough. Just come back.

19. Future falls down to me[편집]

Lana: Welcome everyone to the channel! I’m back again~
Lana: Yah, Lana didn’t expect to be invited by the New Year’s Gala either. I’m just a gamer anyway
Lana: Ask actors to go there and sing is a Gala tradition? Who says I’m a faking actor? Don’t try to mess with me ok. Hey mod! Do something, mod!
[While Lana is arguing with the viewers, the door of the streaming studio opens. The specialist named Yomiga quietly moves behind Lana with her mission. Taking in a deep breath, she announces her arrival.]
Yomiga: Surrender now! ANOTHER ME!
Lana: !!!
[The tin guitar smashes. Lana makes a sharp dodge to her left and kicks the ground with her right foot. Holding onto the back of the chair, she spins one and a half round and lands gracefully. In a split second, Lana’s chance to win the fight sharply rises, making Yomiga, who is further away from the door, greatly disadvantaged instead.]
Lana: Who on earth are you! You can hate me for your unrequited love, but gosh don’t make it physical please!
Yomiga: Nonsense. I’m here to finish you off!
[Everyone in the editorial office, plus all the viewers, are watching this right now.]
Mill: Whims again. You want me to catch it for research?
Naberius: Wait, I might have seen that trouble making girl before.
Geopelia: [Sudden realization] Isn’t her the heroine of the new release of Pigeon Games? No wonder I find it familiar.
Fuli: [Emotionlessly] Ah right – That game studio, who took the portrait rights of the editorial office yet doing no legitimate work, is making a new game.
Gino: They just only made the Phigros prototype. Do they even have enough time for the new project?
Geopelia: No idea. But the theme song for Coo-coo is ready. Heh.
Kalpa: It’s no good to just let them fight right?
Iris: There’s a weak point on the left! Attack the left!
Igallta: It’s really no good. Just bring them here, Mill.
Mill: Tsk, what a trouble.
[Despite saying that, Mill still walks up to the TV, clenches her fits, then slightly opens them, puts her fingers into the screen. The surrounding air vibrates at a high frequency, making a continuous deep drum noise.]
Kalpa: Is she manipulating space?
Iris: Sounds very impressive.
[The two from the other side of the screen feel something is wrong, as if an invisible force locking up their limbs, pulling them to the unknown faraway.]
Lana: This feeling, could it be!
Yomiga: New mechanism?
[Yomiga wants to change speciality. The lit-up bracelet terminal catches her attention. She uses up all the strength on her wrist to barely boot it up.]
Carmen: Desire value recognition anomaly detected this morning. Not any Act on the show confirmed. Mission aborted. Please return to the base ASAP.
Yomiga: ???
Lana: I saw all of it, the message just now.
Yomiga: Ahem, there might be some misunderstanding between us.
Lana: I want my mental damage compensation! Half a million, no, 1 million!
Yomiga: Chill! We can talk.
Mill: Need me to call the cops?
[The moment Yomiga speaks, scenes before her eyes twist and turn like a kaleidoscope. At that moment, her thoughts go back to the pure white room of the beginning of birth. Countless possibilities and fear rise up her mind. She seems to have forgotten something important. Not just travelling with *, with the rest, and more.]
Mill: Wake up.
Yomiga: Ah.
Mill: It’s over, all the struggles.
Yomiga: You know my --
Mill: No I don’t. But you will remember.
[Mill is a mystery. A forever unsolvable mystery.]
Lana: Stop chatting over there. Where is my compensation!
Kalpa: I know you, Lana. You don’t really want the compensation.
Elaine: You’re just angry. Nothing wrong with it.
Iris: Lana is the cutest for not being frank!
Lana: [Blushes] I, I’m not that.
Yomiga: Sorry, my bad! I was too eager to go back to my original world and I lost my cool!
Lana: You are making me embarrassed now…… All right, I forgive you.
Yomiga: I’m so touched!
Elaine: What a coincidence. We are not residents of Phigros either.
Yomiga: Is that so?
Geopelia: Well, Phigros has been pierced like a sieve.[People from the Phigros side really want to roast it but they held up.]
Iris: Kalpa, help her out.
Kalpa: I’m sorry, but I can only travel to other worlds by coordinates. I think Miss Mill should have a way though.Mill: Not now. You will go back. I promise.
Yomiga: [Upset] I guess we have to trust Miss Mill for now.
Fuli: Never mind all of those! The dishes are ready! Let’s have dinner!
Geopelia: The New Year’s Eve dinner! Yay!
Iris: [Stands up] Kalpa! This chicken is soooo delicious! Better that the ones I cooked! Elaine you should try it too!
Elaine: Sit down first. You are getting the sauce onto your clothes.
Fuli: Try this. The wiki says, if you chew for 50 times, it will taste like petrol.
Igallta: Though AI has not been using petrol fuel for a long time, but still I appreciate your kindness.
Geopelia: Why I can’t turn on the TV? Hey Mill, your power does not consume one TV every time you use it, does it?
Mill: You are thinking too much. Just eat.
Naberius: The TV is fine. The streaming media signal is gone.
Geopelia: Oh yea, Lana you should go back to your live stream. Stop eating.
Lana: What’s wrong with you?
Gino: Just change a channel. [Takes the remote, and presses some buttons] There you go.
Geopelia: That makes sense.
[And so, everyone welcomes the new year in happiness and laughter.]

20. Decryption – The Last Notalium[편집]

"Still haven't found it yet?"
"Wrong key?"
Lanota, a subspace born from memories, carrying the shared memories of rhythm game players, has survived for centuries since it first docked at the Harbour, and has finally reached the beginning of the story.
In their quest to retrieve the world of colour, Fisika and Ritmo embarked on a journey. They first met Rossa and Nero from the Silence Border Guard, and then tracked down by Director Halpas - Geopelia chattered nonstop on the way here, trying to get Gino to understand the story of Lanota.
Ever since Ark Mirage, Gino has been active as a private detective, while Geopelia focused on tidying up the "Legacy". She rarely leaves her place in Dome, but this was an exception.
A blonde woman approached them, and hope that they could go to the world of Lanota to help her retrieve the loss, and the key to unlocking the subspace is:
|A piece of Notalium which won't trigger Al Niente. This is the only one. As for the way to enter, please explore on your own."
Gino initially did not want to take on this kind of "find my lost cat" type of job, but the sincere pleading eyes of the rhythm game player Geopelia made him hesitate. The client caught that opportunity, left the token here and disappeared into nowhere.
Year 771, May. In the remaining ruins of the Harbour layer, Geopelia strolled around the broken stones and debris while holding the red Notalium. Gino and she had been wandering around the designated area for the whole morning, and there was no reaction from the token at all. "Lanota| has yet to reveal its mystery to them.
Gino looked down in deep thought, lines of texts flashed in front of his eyes. He was reviewing the client request letter. They must have missed something important.
Faraway, Mazarine was engulfing the edges of the layer. The once ginormous city complex has now only left with the capital, like a lonely isle in the river. The buildings were continuously relocating. They walked in front of the Newknot Sculpture Square. Their marble and steel structure looked like a monotone photographic film.
|Hey, is that Ritmo's lute?" Geopelia pointed towards the debris not far away.
"Could it be a way in?" Gino wondered.
As the subspace evolved, it is possible to influence the main layer.
|Try playing it, Gino! It looks promising!| Geopelia looked at the glowing Notalium, then back to Gino.
Gino sighed. He sat on the stone stair, with his left hand he fumbled with the intervals. After slight tuning, he played the piece mentioned by the client.
The Notalium glowed brightly, floated into the air, and create a stone door that reads:
"He who enters this door, shall regain all melody."
Gino and Geopelia looked at each other, and made the decision.
HINT: Complete Protoflicker IN difficulty, with ACC greater than 95%.

21. Decryption – Half A Letter[편집]

They arrived at the tunnel of the National Institute of Notalium. One of the duties of the Silence Border Guard was to find the end of the tunnel.
The Notalium weapon, Apocalypse, has already been activated. A line of text slowly displayed on the surface of the device, "Al Niente 95%". Geopelia immediately realised, that they had already missed the very beginning of the story.
Geopelia said anxiously, "Let's go to the Aircraft. Maybe we can still stop Ritmo and the others."
"No worries, they'll be fine. Let’s go to the institute first and get the stuff the client wants."
It was only then that the player minded Geopelia remembered that the client had mentioned the whereabouts of the missing item. She summoned the adult Alpa, a black tiger 2 metres in size with a sharp gaze. With its breaths, a black mist filled all directions around, and within moments the location of the institute is discovered.
Upon arrival, Alpa used the old trick and found the item in a room full of clocks and objects with marks from the main layer. It was a letter written in a self-made language. Only the first half of it, while the second half was nowhere to be found.
"Meow~" After completing its tasks, Alpa jumped straight into Geopelia's arms, still clinging to her as if it were a child.As for why a tiger meows, that's a question for Coo-coo."I remember Fisika picking up an unreadable document. Could it be that?" Geopelia added.
"Possible. So to the Administration headquarter?" Gino looked toward Alpa.
Alpa gazed at the northern horizon. After a while, it seemed to have locked on to the target.
HINT: Complete Horizon Blue on any difficulty with a total of 0 miss and bad.

22. Decryption - Golem[편집]

They flew on their motorbike to the Notalium Administration headquarter, finding only debris and ruins.
"The fight is already over." Gino sighed.
Kicking the mechanical golem who had lost its vitality, Geopelia looked at Gino bitter, as if she had missed something worth a billion.
"Don't think about it. Even if we caught it, they won't be dancing to Horizon Blue's beat as they fight."
"Not necessarily. We're in the Pixel Tower. Here anything's possible."
As soon as Geopelia’s words left her mouth, the Notalium on the golem's chest lit up and came back to life. It danced a bizarre move as the parasitic purplish-black vines quickly grew out and came towards them.
"Ms Goo Goo, your prediction just came true."
"No, Mr DJ you dropped the wrong beat. I didn't ask for You are the miserable."
"Does it matter?"
"It matters for Coo-coo!"
HINT: Complete You are the miserable AT difficulty with a total score above 820000.

23. Decryption - The Client[편집]

A whim that was given life casually usually has limited power. The two didn't take long to end the fight, while Alpa had yet to detect their previously locked target.
The dazzling golden organ had somehow materialised, with heaven and earth as its hall, and its music loud enough to resonate in all directions. The two sat side by side on the piano bench, playing Igallta together, not You are the miserable.
"Mr Detective, trust me, I didn't choose it. I would have chosen the one that merges." Geopelia was still trying to explain.
"It wasn't me either. You know me, Ms Coo-coo. I would have chosen Rrhar'il."
"A tune never heard before ......"
"Well, just came up with it." Gino was thinking about how to move the organ. It would be bad if someone else saw it."A hound? Coo-coo - it feels like -"
She examined the organ's windpipe as if she had spotted something and suddenly stood up, "Something's wrong. Lanota is a naturally occurring memory typed subspace. No one can enter except during periods of concentrated whimify. How could the client lose items in a closed state subspace…"
Gino's eyes shifted as he realised, "Unless-"
HINT: Complete Stasis AT difficulty with a total score above 700000.

24. Sound of Life[편집]

Mother of Notalium, Ena, wife of Director Halpas, entrusted others to establish the Silence Border Guard before she passed away.
"Notalium must be destroyed." It was their only principle.
But, could this be the end of the story.
The organisation is looking for the end of the tunnel, and there are only two things at the end - a pipe organ with the words "Ena, wait for me" written on it, and an airship that flies to the headquarter of the Notalium Administration.
Is this all a coincidence.
"The flower language of the forget-me-not is 'hope'."
The chime rings, and nature has its own rhythm. Under the apple tree, the boys set off for the "outside world". The bard plays the tune of midnight, rubbing the disc to bring back a heart full of colours.
At the end of the story, is there the peace of Notalium's disappearance.
I hope not.
Agilely, she climbs up the branches of the giant tree to pick a ripe fruit, with its sweet flesh and solid core beneath its reddish skin. It really does take a veteran detective to find what she lost.
"Have you found it."
"Found it."
To the client - for you who love Lanota
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