Phigros/스토리/Chapter 2

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1. Stave No.7
2. Stave No.8
3. Stave No.9
4. [Merch] Judgement Line Pillow
5. Ancient Flute - Clue I
6. [Item] Sheriff's Badge
7. [Image] Tower
8. [Image] Site Inspection Record
9. [Item] Winter Star Fragment
10. [item] Radio
11. Radio - Clue I
12. Radio - Clue II
13. [Rec] Drums of Peace
14. [Item] Magic Wand
15. [Item] Scavenger Token
16. [Item] Hoodoo Map
17. [Rec] Beggar's Chicken
18. [Rec] Mutant Poultry
19. Trophon - Clue IV
20. The Alpa Pen - Clue IV
21. The Alpa Pen - Clue V
22. [Rec] Morning
23. [Rec] Morning - Clue I
24. [Item] Five-Color Rock
25. [File] Colorful Picture Book
26. [Item] Metal Arm
27. [Item] Bitter Nuts
28. Radio - Clue III
29. [Image] Fuli Auto Shooter!
30. [Item] Bullet Casings
31. [Image] Statue of Fuli
32. [Image] Perchnest Station
33. [Image] Graffiti
34. [Item] HQ004 Ticket
35. [Item] Hydraulic Agent
36. [Item] Anchor
37. Stave No.10
38. Stave No.11
39. [Image] Fortress
40. Perchnest Station - Clue I
41. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪
42. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索一
43. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索二
44. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索三

1. Stave No.7[편집]

Has it started?
Awoken from a dream, returning of three souls;
The room felt warm, yet the mood still anxious.
For the diva perished unaccounted, the spreading rumours flooded the net;
The masses enraged, yet information suppressed;
In grief the officer mourns, young warrior to unravel the fact.

2. Stave No.8[편집]

Child of hoodoos, why don't you go home?
Hoodoos, oh, hoodoos,
My hometown that haunts my mind.
Here runs the shining river,
Here lives the glorious past.
Drumbeat is its theme,
Joy is its promise.
There are
Peristele splashed by oil paints
Towering over all the seas
There are
Wildman with disheveled hair
Singing freely
Electromagnetic rail inlaid with bricks flaring like bright sun
Remainings of machinery fly slowly without insturction
That is the fortune as if from heaven
Holding the last hope
By now my elder generations
Frocks taken off
Guarding the fortune bitterly
Like salt statues.
I know they are perishing.
Human can not reside over trash,
So is the world

3. Stave No.9[편집]

Acknowledgement cannot change destiny
Once truth neighbored with fiction
Truth honored fiction with the superior manner
Fiction refused and took the inferior contrary
Thence the two never met yet in the same room
Both know the other, yet hold their tongues

4. [Merch] Judgement Line Pillow[편집]

Soft, and squishy~
A piece of merchandise that still hasn't seen mass production.

5. Ancient Flute - Clue I[편집]

Gino received a clue from 115. After opening it, he was faced with the revelation that elements of the flute resemble parts of the Tower.

6. [Item] Sheriff's Badge[편집]

Outdated work credential of Sheriff Gino. Gino's appearance on the ID is far more child-like than how he is now.

7. [Image] Tower[편집]

An illustration strip hangs on the wall of an establishment called "The Pigeon Bar". It depicteds a gigantic, upside-down tower.
According to the owner, it was painted by his subordinate, Ms. Sakura. She insists that the picture is hung correctly.

8. [Image] Site Inspection Record[편집]

Confirming identification of well-known female singer, stage name of Zuo.
[Contains sensitive content, viewer discretion is advised]
The victim's head has been gnawed on beyond recognition, presumably by rats. The subject's bodily fluids and the sewage from dark alley behind the venue mixed into a dirty, dark, viscous red stream. Keratin filaments were floating on the surface water; the sewage dyed a gradient of colours on the subject's clothing, attracting critters, pecking away at the ilusory rainbow. The scene was filled with a raw scent of viscera and decomposition, however it also had a tinge of sweetness. The wells don't have changing seasons, and this one is rather warm, due to it's closeness to the planet's core. If she was left unattended, stems and leaves would have grown out of her soul and flesh, sucking up the rest of her once living body, swaying in the stagnant air.

9. [Item] Winter Star Fragment[편집]

A mysterious, icy stone picked up by Geopelia when passing throught the light gate. A synthesis of snow and stars, it seems to be calling out to her.

10. [item] Radio[편집]

A radio which Kuzumi asked Fuli to repair. It appears to be the same model as the one Geopelia got as a kid.

11. Radio - Clue I[편집]

The juvenile's hands were covered in grease. He took out a brand new radio from his waist pack, and handed it to his little sister.
'Happy birthday, Geopelia.'

12. Radio - Clue II[편집]

Fuli: Ugh... Nothing...
Geopelia: Are you having trouble?
Fuli: Actually I still haven't even figured out where the defect is...
Geopelia: Can I have a look?
Fuli: Euh... [losing hope]
[Geopelia started fiddling with the radio's main board. She remembered her brother telling her: "Radios of this brand have a weak spot in design. See? Right here. If it ever breaks, you will need to re-solder that spot. After that it shouldn't break anymore. If you do it well enough, it might even start working better than other radios."]
Geopelia: How about you try welding this spot?
Fuli: Eh, sure I guess? [Unconvinced, she does as the girl instructs, as she can just unsolder it later.]
Fuli: It actually worked! I can't believe it! You are amazing, Geo!
Geopelia: Haha, always at your service, ma'am!
[After that visit, the memories of her past, and of her brother, started to reemerge from time to time. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not recall her brother's appearance. She knows where she came from, and how she ended up here.]

13. [Rec] Drums of Peace[편집]

[Geopelia and Gino heard a strange tune, and decided to track down its source. The music led them to the rubbish mountain. Before them laid countless electronic devices, dropped to the peak by a magnetic track. Standing by the foot of the mountain, Geopelia noticed a few scavengers each beating their drum, chanting words nobody could understand.]
Suddenly, a giant piece of machinery fell from the peak, landing right on top of the scavengers. But somehow, the music didn't stop. Perhaps the rubbish around them broke its fall before it could hit them]
Gino rushed to help them. Each footstep he took on the uneven footing sounded as if it was part of the song. The more intense the scavengers' drum beats were, the faster Gino jumped and ran. After he reached them he dragged a nearby I-beam to the site and pivoted the machinery entrapping the still drumming scavengers. By the time Geopelia arrived at the scene, peeking from behind her butterfly ornament, Gino had finished halfway done.]
Gino: You cuckoo, don't just stand there and watch!
Geopelia: I believe that Gino pocesses such great strength, that even without the cuckoo, he will still accomplish this feat with ease. [Geopelia, opened Alpa, sat down in a corner on some leather, snickering at Gino, who was drenched in sweat.]
Gino: Then why did you even come here!
Geopelia: To fulfil my task from the Coo-coo organisation and hear out the voice of the working class, of course!
[The scavengers put down their drums, turned to the newly arrived Geoplelia, who started a casual conversation with them. After a while, the scavengers took a liking to the girl, almost forgetting about the man who saved them. If he didn't consider her family, Gino would have probably been blinded with jeolousy.]

14. [Item] Magic Wand[편집]

A plastic prop that was found at the foot of the rubbish mountain. Kuzumi is trying her best to practice the art of wizardry. She is hoping to one day cast a spell to put smiles on everyone's faces.

15. [Item] Scavenger Token[편집]

A Scavenger Token can be obtained by registering at District One central recycling station. It seems that such identification exists in every well, just as a stamp collection in theme parks.
If it was a theme park, there should be a way to quickly escape.

16. [Item] Hoodoo Map[편집]

A dynamic map Gino made by utilising the Saturn Permission. It records people's activities within the Hoodoo ove the course of three days. Just as he had expected, the scavengers haven't violated any of the rules presented to them.

17. [Rec] Beggar's Chicken[편집]

Beggar's Chicken is a traditional pre-disaster cuisine. The whole chicken was marinated, then covered with soil or flour, wrapped with lotus leaf, then finally grilled in a stove. This would secure its juiciness entirely, ensuring the chicken to be fresh and tender, as well as a crispy golden skin. The original recipe is very strict about the ingredients. Due to the geographical restrictions, Gino used the wild green-haired chicken, battery soil with excessive metallic contents, and tin foil instead.
Searching for decilacies seems to be the mission I was born for. Wherever I go, I would always be indulged in the local cuisines. All around the world, every cuisine cultures, from luxurious dishes to refreshing desserts --- where there is the delicious food, there is me. That's me, Geopelia the super gourmet. Welcome to my Tasty Food Review channel! [background: yeah!!!!]
Now let's interview our special guest today, Cheif Gino!
You have anything to say to our audience, Chief?
[Crunching, Gino held the 'giant rock', focusing on crushing it onto the ground, totally ignoring Geopelia, and murmuring to himself: "this crap isn't even canon..."]Hmm......Chief, what dish are we making today?
[Gino looked up at Geopelia, remembering that he still had a chisel in his mouth, then signaled to Geopelia to take the green juice beside, and made a drinking gesture.]
Asking me to drink it? [It tasted a bit bitter] What is this thing?
[Relaxed his bite and spoke] 'Antidote.'
The chicken was quite tasty though.

18. [Rec] Mutant Poultry[편집]

A specimen belonging to a mutated species of now extinct birds, noticed by Gino and Geopelia in the landfill of District Eight. It has eight legs and six wings. It is known as the "green peafowl" by the local residents, despite not belonging to the same genus. It is wrongly believed that the species is a result of genetically enhanced poultry created by an ancient "fast-food" chain being exposed to, and adapting to the harsh post-disaster enviroment.
[Limbo Encyclopedia:] Soup based on the creature's feathers can help agianst heavy metal poisoning.

== [Image] Water Tower =
The life-sustaining structures scattered around the Hoodoo. Each tower is marked with complex patterns and local serial numbers by local residents. The pattern on the joint railing of the District Eight water tower depicts an eight-legged horse with an infinity symbol etched into its back. Each tower is roughly 30 meters tall and measures 8 meters in diameter. The towers are made up of a large cyllinder containing 4 smaller ones, three of which are designited purification systems, with the last one being the storage tank. The purifying installation has two inlets, for air and polluted water, and five outlets, three for purified water that flows into the storage tank, and one for the remaining chemical compounds, that is pumped into a waste container. The waste is then pumped down into the engergy network, where violent chemical reactions are turned into power for sustaining the entire circulatory system.

19. Trophon - Clue IV[편집]

With the help of some scavengers, Trophon's tires and rear-view mirrors were replaced, and a makeshift broadcasting system was installed.
Kouma: Test. Test. Trophon, do you copy?
Geopelia: Roger. Awaiting orders.
Kouma: Engine - start!
Geopelia: Top gear!
Gino: You're getting a bit too excited....
Geopelia: Accompany me for a lap, Gino!
Gino: Okay, hold on tight, don't get blown away!
[Trophon's engine roared, Geopelia felt the behemoth's powerful roar underneath her body, and lifted her feet off the ground. The sudden acceleration made her panic fora bit, and she instinctively tightened her grasp around Gino, and secretly closed her eyes. And with that the two vanished into the hoodoos.]

20. The Alpa Pen - Clue IV[편집]

Geopelia has recently developed a strange habit. After writing down a journal entry, she will modify its frequency and insert it into the entry itself. If you hear bizarre noises, you might consider cracking it.

21. The Alpa Pen - Clue V[편집]

In the middle of the night Alpa assumed a physical form and sneaked out of the pen. It was found and apprehended by Kuzumi, who at the time was painting in the hallway. So the two spent a pleasant fantasy night together.
Kuzumi: Where did this kitten come from? So cute~
Alpa: Woof!
Kuzumi: A bark?!
[Kuzumi suddenly felt enlightened, held Alpa up and began shouting]
Kuzumi: I understood now! You are a divine gift bestowed upon me by the goddess of inspiration!
Alpa: Meow~
[Alpa latched onto Kuzumi's thigh and let out a moan. Kuzumi's head was bursting with ideas, her little notepad gradually getting filled with page after page of adventures of Alpa the cat. Kuzumi had a feeling, that this would have made for a great picture book series.]

22. [Rec] Morning[편집]

Awaken by the sound of Gino's flute, Geopelia opened the terminal. Alpa is still analyzing File 377. Each faint unfamilliar name on the list remains unheared from. She took out her notepad, wrote down the date and started covertly recording her morning.
[4th of April, sunny
It is the fourth day since we mounted the Tower. With the help of the scavengers, we are gradually starting to understand the Hoodoos, and the new world. We set up a temporary home in District Eight.
The Hoodoos are so quiet, just like Glaciaxia in the past, however I am fearful of this just being the calm before the storm. Before we left, the notes from Captain Dlyro mentioned that, the collapse phenomenon is an untamed beast; greed being its nature, it would bite on any and all living things in its sight. After the fall of Glaciaxia, the Hoodoos would follow; then, all of the Tower's worlds would not be able to escape that fate.
But can our story really end like this?]

23. [Rec] Morning - Clue I[편집]

"Breakfast is ready. Come here and eat."
"Coming, coming!"

24. [Item] Five-Color Rock[편집]

End result of the petrolium rivers' existance. It is smooth to the touch, and will reflect a spectrum of colors when exposed to sunlight. The south river bank is so saturated with the rocks, that they form a beach stretching all the way to the Tuhun Waterfall.
[Limbo Wiki: The Tuhun Waterfall is directly connected to the Judgment Channel flowing into the Endless Sea of Bailin. There lives a large amount of whims that swim upstream from the Endless Sea. Adventurers please avoid the Tuhun Waterfall unless absolutely necessary.] ++

25. [File] Colorful Picture Book[편집]

A file stored on Alpa. It is a hand painted picture book, illustrated with vivid colors. The story while somewhat incoherent, seems to be about the adventures of a barking kitten in a place called Rainbow Falls, and its encounters various magical creatures.

26. [Item] Metal Arm[편집]

Found on an abandoned bridge connecting two sides of the petroleum river. Like a fish out of water, it let its morphological top and bottom swing freely back and forth nonstop, until the luminous body of energy reaches the top of th celestial sphere, impelling the fingers, standing upright on the ground, travelling towards farway.
"It seems edible... [Thinking.png]"

27. [Item] Bitter Nuts[편집]

These organic treats can help reduce excessive energy flow in the body. They can also be used as an alternative energy source for Alpa. [Inadvisable operation, shouldn't be imitated under any circumstances]
The nuts are manufactured by the denisens of District Two, next to the stream. After Alpa finished its analysis, Geopelia decided to quickly bury the disgusting snack in the sand under the water tower of District Eight.

28. Radio - Clue III[편집]

Fuli: And there, good as new! Now if only I could deliver it to Kuzumi... Damn, I still have so much work...
Geopelia: I can give it to her!
Fuli: Really? Oh, Geopelia, I love you!
Gino: Hum? Give you what to whom?
[Gino just came back from intelligence gathering. It was a windy night, and Gino's hair was a mess. He tried to fix it, but ultimately messed it up even more.]
Gino: C'mon now, if you look like a kid, then you are a kid. Act accordingly, and go to bed.
Geopelia: Muuu~
Fuli: I'm sure Kuzumi won't mind waiting until tomorrow. You can just pass it to her when you drop by District Six, on your way to District Eight. She's usually at the Perchnest County train station during the day.
[Gino is convinced that he hasn't seen any train stations on his map]
Fuli: It's at the northwest corner of District Six. After exiting the Sunchase tunnel, walk half a mile and turn east.
Geopelia: You're talking like a GPS~
Fuli: I was just worried you'd get lost...
Fuli: Anyway, do you want to add me to your friends list? [She winks suggestively]
Geopelia: Friends list?
[Gino put his face in his palms, to then remind himself that she still doesn't know about the existance of Limbo]
Fuli: Just turn your eyes to the right, left one time, and from top to bottom, then it pops out an interface. You see there is an add friend button on the left? Enter my ID there.
Geopelia: Oooh, I see it now! That's amazing! It's probably the same technology used in the terminal, right?
Fuli: Alright, let me get you the radio, now it can be saved in the system.
Geopelia: Gotcha! Thank you, Fuli Positioning System~!
Fuli: Could you please just drop it-
Geopelia: Gino, come here, I have to add you as a friend!
Gino: Alright, but you're going to sleep right after that.
Geopelia: Understood!

29. [Image] Fuli Auto Shooter![편집]

Smoke and bullets are her prelude, shells and electric current travelling across the sky. The deserters were dropping one by one, after which automatons took their place. Fuli put down her rifle, extended her arms, and a gate opened before her. This isn't a good stronghold. Bullets would eventually run out, yet the onslaught of enemies would never cease. As much as she hates it, the only way to survive, is to flee.

30. [Item] Bullet Casings[편집]

A large amount of bullets casings of various types and calibres, picked up by Geopelia on her way to visit District Three's manager, Fuli.

31. [Image] Statue of Fuli[편집]

Fuli's house was constructed under the giant statue celebrating her grand feats. The monument was ordered by District Five, who wanted to extend their gratitude to the hero who has saved them countless times in the past.
"But still, it's a extremely over the top!"

32. [Image] Perchnest Station[편집]

An ordinary rural station, decorated with flora that can't be seen anywhere else. Despite its mundane appearance, the station feels unusually strange.
Kuzumi was standing on the platform, waiting for a train, for what seemed like hours. For decades, she would be there whenever the sun intersected the horizon, silently waiting for each dusk and dawn. In her memory, there was someone, who let go of her hand, boarded a train, and never turned back. She is still waiting for that train, hoping to show that person the picture book she has painted as an expression of her forgotten childhood, hoping to see them once again.

33. [Image] Graffiti[편집]

The main reason why some scavengers seem to attract trouble, is their constant quest for sprays, dyes, paints, and anything that could help them refurbish the wall of graffiti, that they have given almost divine status.
Predicted outcome of renovation: streets filled with colorful structures, hazy human figures sitting on walls, meaningless words and displays of raw emotions flooding the entire scene.
Evaluation: The result may proove too abstract. It's best to thwart the renovation efforts.

34. [Item] HQ004 Ticket[편집]

The only functional train in Perchnest County. After seeing Kuzumi boarding the train, Gino and Geopelia rushed to the booth to purchase tickets. They were able to get on board, and meticulously searched the train, only to find no trace of Kuzumi.

35. [Item] Hydraulic Agent[편집]

Reagent in a red cylindral container, found by Gino at the biomechanic factory in District Three, bearing a Cyborgs Only "label."

36. [Item] Anchor[편집]

Ash floated in the viscous sea. The hundred-story-high anchor blocks the blinding sunrays. The giant "JUSTICE" intaglio was covered in dark oily stains. He looked at the dim orange sky, contemplating how did it ever come to this. He isn't given much time to think, as Findstr, who lowered himself on an anchor, reached for his hand. His overly pale face and white hair were gleaming in the sunlight. "Don't put your guard down just yet, there is still danger lurking in the darkness."
"When will it be safe to escape?" Ash was leaning on Findstr out of exhaustion.
"I don't know. But-" Findstr stood up and started walking away "I suggest you don't turn around."
He felt a sudden tremor. A wave pushed against his back, riffled his fingers, and climbed up his wrist. Ash didn't dare to look down and examine the hot, pricking sensation. He staggered and ran in Findstr's direction. The fact that the melting feeling disappeared after he started running didn't comfort him at all. He caught up to Findstr, and saw the anchor in his smile.
The oily clumps were slowly oozing down to the ground, like a person's skin peeling away, like a dress wriggling in the sea, made out of countless muddy hands.
Findstr said, "There is nowhere safe to run in this world. Not for people like us. The evils of the surface will roam under under the sun, comfortable in their domain."

37. Stave No.10[편집]

Bon Voyage
From Mount Yan, water jade alike Ying stones extinct at the north;
At Mount Dai, dragon alike rivers stop, going towards the wild no more.
To the world afar there lies a long path,
In boat we sail to ship the paper kite, are to forget not.

38. Stave No.11[편집]

Why can't I get in?
On spiral track radius a kilo long, train slowly passed
A monster wanders in empty void, with engine its breath rhymed
Law of physics cannot be evaded,
Upon the innocent, disasters cascaded
Steam has gone roared and swirled,
Gear and lever fell apart forced
Then pipeline bursted, and gas was freed,
Went on a journey wherever it pleased
People with mouths and noses covered,
Rushed away, for the outer air they craved
Hearing the cry of the creature echoed,
In the eye of the monster, she saw
A ruin in purplish blue

39. [Image] Fortress[편집]

"As we were driving through the central area of District Ten, an enormous city-sized fortress appeared in front of us. Different from the concrete honeycomb-shaped pillar complexes we have seen prior, its giant main arch stood menacingy on the valley floor, with hundreds of signaling towers attached to the cliff below. The distress signal I received shows that its source was slowly moving outwards from the fortress' gate. My instincts told me not to act recklessly, as I wasn't familliar with the fortress's internal architecture, and the distress signal's low level indicated no threat to anyone's life.
While I was trying to come up with a plan, Geopelia started taking photos of everything. She stood on the motorcycle, joyfully exclaiming that she had a nice angle. She has been acting like this ever since we had arrived in the hoodos. Sceneries, people, monuments, anything that herself, and was within her range, she had to capture. She says she's doing some kind of an album, as if we didn't have any actually important things to tend to... It all feels like some game to her.
Since her camera can see further than the naked eye, I asked her to check whether there was somebody at the gate. Surprisingle she didn't argue, and I heard the shutter click.
"Gino, something came out."
"From which side??"
"From the sky-"
She pointed upwards. A black dot was flying towards us, constantly reforming its shape. The second it appeared from behind the horizon, the original distress signal has ceased. In its stead, countless other distress signals appeared on the map.
I grabbed Geopelia, jumped on Trophon's seat, and rushed away the scene.
"Gino! They're closing in! Speed Up! I stepped on the gas, but suddenly I couldn't feel Geopelia's heat on my back. In looked in the rear view mirror. She didn't fall, she was just leaning back, looking through her camera.
"Stop taking pictures! You are gonna fall off!"
"They- they stopped..."
The flock seemed to not be abe to leave perimeter of the valley, but I still didn't dare to deccelerate until we left the district. Geopelia seemed concerned. I asked her what was on her mind.
She was looking throught the pictures she took, but then stopped, turned to me, and exclaimed "It's better to be a real person".

40. Perchnest Station - Clue I[편집]

Kouma was standing on the platform, overseeing countless enormous pillars, almost grazing the sky. Nine red suns were scattered along the tracks. Not too long before, everything was shining in the burning sunlight, the flora was torched, the land was barren, the people were dying of starvation. Now things are different, the world reversing its course and contorting at will. Kouma let out a sad sigh.
Geopelia wasn't able to sleep in the makeshift bed the scavengers set up for her. She got up early, and thought that she might as well get out and watch the dawn, without alerting Gino.
“Good morning Kouma.”
“Young lady came for sunrise?”
“Yeah... Kuzumi hasn't shown up today?”
“She didn't. But you, do you really want to settle down in District Eight? ”
“No. Once we find the entrance to the third floor, we are leaving.”
“Just like Kuzumi's brother, huh... He didn't return. Left her behind. But it's hard to judge him. After what happened, very few people remained in the hoodoos... ”

41. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪[편집]


42. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索一[편집]

March 5 , 416

43. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索二[편집]

January 5 , 422

44. 摘录·守护日志·机关枪·线索三[편집]

February 5 , 469
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