Phigros/스토리/Chapter 1

덤프버전 : (♥ 1)


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이 문서가 설명하는 작품이나 인물 등에 대한 줄거리, 결말, 반전 요소 등을 직·간접적으로 포함하고 있습니다.

1. 시집#0
2. 시집#1
3. 시집#2
4. 시집#3
5. 시집#4
6. 시집#5
7. 시집#6
8. [Item] The Alpa Pen
9. The Alpa Pen - Clue I
10. The Alpa Pen - Clue II
11. The Alpa Pen - Clue III
12. [Rec] Mountain Breeze
13. [Item] Team VII Badge
14. [Rec] Hot Pot
15. [Rec] Sleep
16. [Rec] Sleep - Clue I
17. [Rec] Snow
18. [Item] Trophon
19. Trophon - Clue I
20. Trophon - Clue II
21. Trophon - Clue III
22. [Item] Airdrop Biscuits
23. [Item] Ancient Flute
24. [Rec] Orioles
25. [Item] Dorm Key
26. [Item] Demice Horn
27. [Item] Electro magnetic Shotgun
28. [Item] Fish Basket
29. [Rec] Fish Show
30. [Item] Strand of Hair
31. [Rec] The Black Vortex
32. [Image] Dark Bile
33. [Item] Silk Pouch
34. [Item] Patient Uniform
35. [Item] Flowery Knife
36. [Image] Deep Well
37. [Rec] Hikari
38. [Login Permissions] Saturn
39. Saturn Login - Clue I
40. Suppression Order 0327
41. Demice Skin Paper 377
42. Demice Skin Paper 377 - Clue I
43. Glaci'o'Food
44. Glaci'o'Food - Clue I
45. Glaci'o'Food - Clue II
46. Glaci'o'Food - Clue III

1. 시집#0[편집]

(피그로스 프로젝트에서 발췌)
한때 네가 방황하는 유기체였던 시절.
세례조차 받지 아니하였던 시절.
덩굴같이 푸른 창공 꼭대기의 신성한 돌에서,
명령에 따라 칼집에서 검을 뽑는다.
내 바람대로 얼음은 천국의 도끼로 산산조각나고 ,
기아는 심연을 위협할 수 없개 된다.
장로는 듣고 생각하고 탄식하며,
"꼭대기가 하늘에 닿게 탑을 쌓아라."

2. 시집#1 [편집]

이미 무지개는 저물었으니,
어디에 머물러야 하는가?
가야 할 곳은
양지 안의 향기,
기억에 가라앉은 메아리,
각성한 영혼들,
환상을 뛰어넘은 꿈,
그곳을 집 삼도록 하라.

3. 시집#2[편집]

Glaciaxia, melting.
Chasing the sun went the birds o' gods,
Beneath the poem shone the lights and howls.
A bird summoned by the spring,
A sword glittered for the win.
Met at the summit, chased with the winds,
Down fell the feathers, in rain they rinsed.
A tongue that twisted, two shadows there stood,
The firmament above touched the recital at foot.
Listen, Mount Sierra, coiled by the wind -
What was she saying?
Why was she crying?
The floods unleashed mercy no being,
The milk spilt needed no regretting.
Should we rest, may we wait,
Not too far the chance awaits.

4. 시집#3[편집]

Bubble, bubble, bubble.
Fine fish skin with boiled white apple, take a sip and let your spirits free.
A string twanged as a spur of the moment, wonder why someone would become addict.
For decades long there was no music but the sound of death near the river. Please just stay at my humble house, and detail what wind blew you here.

5. 시집#4[편집]

Do people's identities really hold any value…
Whoever lives owns a name,
Whoever dies owns a name.
For fame beings live,
For what the dead prolong?
Would they, if ever, be reborn?

6. 시집#5[편집]

Unable to learn how to write poetry…
Spring, the elusive season of recovery.

7. 시집#6[편집]

Here we are in the age of exile,
Shall irises bloom, and may mist die,
Lacerated by shafts of light,
Seeking path through the hazy sky.

8. [Item] The Alpa Pen[편집]

A pure white recording pen belonging to Geopelia. It has a mope sticker on the right, along with the names "Geopelia" and "Peregrinus" carved on the back.
The pen is equipped with an AI assistant called MeowAlpa, which records everything she writes. Although it does not have a conciousness, it occasionally produces strange noises, seemingly without cause.

9. The Alpa Pen - Clue I[편집]

Geopelia uses it to record what she hears, as well as any ideas that pop into her head. Over time Alpa has gathered a rich collection of often embarrasing, dark, or even incomprehensible meoms.
Gino: What do you even keep in this pen?
Geopelia: My brother told me that secrets can only be shared with close friends. Are you my close friend?
Gino: Hmm… Hard to say. What do you think?
Geopelia: Well, he also told me that friends won't pry into others' secrets. Soo, I guess you aren't!
Gino: Ah, I see your brother is truly a master of logic.
Geopelia: He sure is!

10. The Alpa Pen - Clue II[편집]

Geopelia has received the pen on her 10th birthday, and it has been her most treasured posession ever since.
Peregrinus: A bit further… Aghhh!
[A heavy object drops to the floor]
Joiec: Geez, are you alright man?
Peregrinus: I'm fine, it's just a scratch, I'll take care of it.
[Falcon turned on the tap. The sink reflects the image of Alpa, sound asleep.]
Peregrinus: I'm almost… there…

11. The Alpa Pen - Clue III[편집]

MeowAlpa was a college graduation project made by Geopelia's brother. Alpa's intelligence is a bit higher than an ordinary cat's, but it is still able to record, categorize, play back and change the format of anything Geopelia writes. Sometimes it leaves the pen, as a holographic cat.
Geopelia: Alpa is soo quiet today...
Gino: It's probably sleeping. It's in standby, after all. Hey, you, newbie! Hurry up and finish the report, we want to go.
Geopelia: Say, wanna grab dinner with me?
Gino: As long as it's not the biscuits...
Geopelia: Roger that!

12. [Rec] Mountain Breeze[편집]

The audio records abnormal wuthering winds across the Wells. The howls and whistles echo through the walls, like the growls of otherwordly beasts.
The long, and high-pitched sound stopped after a few minutes, only to make way for a tide of stronger sounds, reverberating and bouncing around the well. Whispers cascade down, lamenting the icy doomsday, accompanied by the wind's whistles, create a twisted symphony –
- Someone broke through the door, and the recording stopped abruptly.

13. [Item] Team VII Badge[편집]

The proof of Geopelia's Team VII membership. It depicts an anemone blooming on a snowy field.

14. [Rec] Hot Pot[편집]

"Inside the steaming copper hotpot, fine slices of fresh salmon are spinning in the oily broth.
The shiny, grey skin outlines the fillets, while green onion and coriander swirl and dance around them.
As the tongue touches the crisp, rich fish, it sizzles and melts inside the mouth, warms up the body, and frees the soul from the chilly weather outside. With every spoon, the heart becomes warmer, as all worries melt away."

15. [Rec] Sleep[편집]

The light was still lit.
I opened the window.
The moon was swimming through the clouds,
the firmament was dyed with slashes of meteors.
The wind was coming from the distant tower, twisted and swirled into my cabin.
The icy weather made me shiver, so I had no choice but to close the windows and crawl back into my warm quilt.
I turned my desktop on and began playing my recordings from the past, pen in hand.
Never was a single word written. Given up on the work, I gazed out of the window again -
there seemed to be something different beyond the mist.
There was a tower - or maybe not, as it was too big to see its end, too tall to find its top. Wearing the clouds, it seemed to be accompanied with flying creatures - or more like whales - looking at my world from the heights.
"How could there be such a tower...
It didn't exist yesterday.

16. [Rec] Sleep - Clue I[편집]

Listening to Gino's even breathing, I can't help but follow the rhythm -
One, two, one, two...
So gentle and calm, comforting and reassuring.
"You still awake?"
The rhythm stopped abruptly. Has he awkoen?
"Haven't I told you to… not to stay up too late..."
Gino shook the bed frame, making it squeak slightly.
I pushed on it, the noise stopped.
Ahh~~ So... Sleepy...
I'll just rest for now, there is always tomorrow.
And so today's diary ends here. Nighty night.

17. [Rec] Snow[편집]

The white floc is soft and gentle, almost resembling cotton candy. Floating on the other side of the mountain, emitting the sounds of creeking foam when stepped on. it seems to have no use other than depriving the body of warmth. Gino told us that it's called "snow". It's been a long time since the vast glaciers have last dawned this mellow soft coating. The beautiful sight wasn't the only positive. Snow means clouds. Clouds mean water. Water means that the climate is actually warming up. Perhaps in the future the icy lakes will run once again, and the fish will leave the lowest parts of the waters, and multiply near the surface.
"The Fish Festival will arrive in half a month. You'll love it"

18. [Item] Trophon[편집]

Gino's treasured amphibious motor. It is capable of traversing various enviroments, thanks to Captain Dlyro's modifications. It has gliding boards for snowy terrain, but can retract them and transform into a powerful land motor, with only a press of a button.

19. Trophon - Clue I[편집]

Geopelia is on really good terms with the captain, which often arouses the other teammates' envy.
Carl: Cap seems to like the new girl a lot...
Theo: I guess you're right, haven't really noticed it before. Maybe because she's cute?
Carl: Oh, so you think she's cute?
Theo: [visibly embarrassed] N… No, that's nonsense!
Carl: Come on man, everyone knows you have a thing for her. You should discuss that with the captain at the festival.
Theo: I...
(Theo quickly glanced at Dlyro who was chatting with the tea and seemed to be in good mood. Theo thought to himself for a long time, and seemed to have made up his mind.)

20. Trophon - Clue II[편집]

A special coded pattern on Trophon's side allows members of the patrol to identify Gino easily. When he first joined the patrol, he spent a lot of time on fine tuning the design. His efforts were successful, as nobody outside of the partol team has ever been able to crack it.

21. Trophon - Clue III[편집]

During the escape, Trophon's rear-view mirrors were swallowed by the black vortex.

22. [Item] Airdrop Biscuits[편집]

SupervisiorThe Patrol Team VII Warehouse / Geopelia
Extremely unpalatable compressed biscuits. They are airdropped into the patrol camp on a weekly basis. They seem to not appear on the official supply reports... And also sometimes come with chili sauce, that's said to replenish vitamin C very effectively.

23. [Item] Ancient Flute[편집]

The only non-electronic musical instrument in Glaciaxia. Due to its complexity and minimal wear, it is considered the most prided treasure in Gino's hometown.
Geopelia: Wait, you brought this thing from your home "town"? Aren't you from the glaciers?
Gino: It's not a town, just a regular patrol encampment. But the flute did make it at least somewhat special. Having a unique relic from before the Frozen Age, especially one this well preserved... It must be about 700 years old, and it still looks new...
Geopelia: Eeeh? If it's so valuable, how come a cokoo like you gets to keep it?
Gino: The captain said that if the flute wasn't nourished with emotions and melodies, it would melt into the glacier, and disappear like so many other instruments. Erraneous as that is, I still promised to practice it from time to time, out of respect for him. He did think it was the only way to truly protect it...

24. [Rec] Orioles[편집]

With the digital flame dancing slowly in the station's fireplace, a performer took her flute out of its case, and proclaimed: "Here's a melody I wrote for you, to celebrate this happy day"
She then played a song, that without any lyrics, somehow still conveyed a clear meaning. It's as if the flute itself was singing about Orioles, the symbol of happiness, waking up with spring just around the corner. Dreaming of melting the endless glaciers, of the world once more coming to life after the winter, of the snow desert evaporating once and for all. Forever longing for the days when creeks were free to run as they please, when the flowers were innocent, and the world was more than pits and flying platforms. Days long gone, almost entirely forgotten, the flute being one of their only reminders not buried under tons of ice.

25. [Item] Dorm Key[편집]

Key to the Team VII dormitory in which Geopelia and Gino reside. Geopelia usually keeps it inside her hat, to avoid losing it.
Gino: Geopelia, unlock the door already! I need to get my shower things.
Geopelia: The user you are trying to reach is currently busy. Please call again later.
[Suddenly there was a loud bang, as if something heavy had been dropped, followed by some muffled groans.]
Gino: It definitely doesn't sound like you're changing, you cuckoo!
Geopelia: I'm not a cuckoo!
[Geopelia opened the door, wearing nothing but a plain shirt. She looked around to make sure no other team members were nearby, and threw a pile of clothes at Gino.]
Geopelia: Go take your shower, and don't even dare to ocme bck before 10!
Gino: Wait, were you snooping through my closet? [He looks closer, only to realize that the shirt she was wearing was part of his uniform.]
Geopelia: Hmph. A cuckoo wouldn't be interested in your smelly rags!
[Geopelia slammed the door shut, causing a gust of wind that made Gino squint.]

26. [Item] Demice Horn[편집]

Demices that come out of their abyss-like wells are often hunted, as their bodies are full of valuable materials. Their horns are the most widely sought after, as they are crucial in the creation of many items, both as a tool and an ingredient. They can even be polished enough to create crystal bags, used to contain large amounts of fish.

27. [Item] Electro magnetic Shotgun[편집]

Team VII's flagship weapon. Its arching barrel design is beloved by many team members.

28. [Item] Fish Basket[편집]

Geopelia's dedicated fish basket that she aquired during the previous Fish Festival. Made from a Demice's ribcage, it is very sturdy, completely water resistant, and relatively lightweight. Obtaining the necessary materials for the accessory's creation is obviously dangerous, but people still do it, as the baskets are a necessity during the great hunt.

29. [Rec] Fish Show[편집]

Baits are set, hooks are tight, fishermen are standing by.
In no time, the sharp twisted forks alight, the sounds of splashing.
The river ice was dyed with the color of the strong conquering the weak. Bloody red.
If the hunt is the nature's gift to mankind, what is it for the prey?
Is it an inescapable fate, or a disaster that cannot be predicted?

30. [Item] Strand of Hair[편집]

Virtually the only proof of Theo's existance before being taken away by a demice. It was handed to Captain Dlyro by Carl, who was Theo's partner, and witnessed his death.
"Run… before… it's too late… They… They're coming… the well…"

31. [Rec] The Black Vortex[편집]

A ditch of forever stagnant water, where no breeze can create ripples.
Hard as you search in the pile of waste, a new world cannot be created.
"Alpa Recording: Today is the first day of march, and the glaciers met a huge disaster. Ashes from the tower lit every stationed person on fire, a the abyss swallowed the entire horizon, sucking up all light. We rushed towards Mount Sierra, Dlyro that this is the only path protected by the tower."

32. [Image] Dark Bile[편집]

During the motorbike escape, Geopelia took some strange photos. Some of them depict what seem to be dark balls of fat coming out of people's bodies, leaving behind irregular marks on the snow. As grotesque and surreal as the sight was, when looking at the pictures, Geopelia felt a certain sense of familiarity

33. [Item] Silk Pouch[편집]

Dlyro gave Gino this purse, inside which was a chip and piece of fabric with a simple order.
"Go to the place where you first met Geopelia."

34. [Item] Patient Uniform[편집]

In Findstr's opinion, one of the worst designed uniforms he's ever seen. It was quickly discarded and thrown away when he had recieved his patrol uniform. He didn't even mind it being previously owned.

35. [Item] Flowery Knife[편집]

When Ash woke up, he found himself lying on the snow desert, with a decorated knife in his hand. He would use this knife when cooking with his wife, before he had met Findstr.
Findstr: I think I understood your predicament.
Ash: Wait, really?
Findstr: Yup. You just need to follow me.

36. [Image] Deep Well[편집]

On the fifth day of their aimless journey across the glaciers, the two encountered a large number of demices. If it weren't for the steep cliffs under which they had hidden themselves, they would have been ripped to shreds. Everything on the strange foreign, surface turned still, and Ash finally had a moment to rest. On his head a an iron helmet, beneath his feet an endless abyss. He looked around to find a way out, but the light couldn't slice the darkness. Only a pond at the bottom of the abyss reflected his face. It looked just like the Well he used to reside in. He suddenly seemed to be able to make out the surroundings of his old home in the darkness, even if they were just his memories. The only way he could tell it wasn't his Well was the size. What he knew was cramped, warm, and almost suffocating. This one was so enormous that a soul could wander it for eternity.
"I found a way out."

37. [Rec] Hikari[편집]

As the legend goes, when enough star particles light up in the exosphere, they shall form a beautiful arc. When countless fragments pour down in unison, they will become a door of light, bringing insight from faraway realms. If you happen to become the first to cross that gate, a you will be greeted with a new world.
"Let's go, Gino..."
"To forge infinite light in the everlasting darkness."

38. [Login Permissions] Saturn[편집]

Limbo communication permissions. Before being sucked into the black vortex, Captain Dlyro threw a pouch containing them in Gino's direction.

39. Saturn Login - Clue I[편집]

At night, patrol members that weren't on shift were chatting in the comms room, with Captain Gino sitting on the sofa, alone. He suddenly turned back towards Gino and asked:
Dlyro: Is this whole world even real?
Gino: Pardon, ma'am?
Dlyro: I know this may be a bit hard to process, but haven't you noticed?
Dlyro: All the information, legends, music, traditions of the past, should have died during the small ice age. And yet, they still exist in our memories, seven hundred years later. Don't you ever wonder where they all came from?
Gino: I don't think I can answer that…
[Gino wasn't able sleep that night.]

40. Suppression Order 0327[편집]

In order to deal with the gigantic outburst of demices from the abyss, the elites ordered various patrol teams to initiate encirclement and suppression activities. as soon as Dlyro received the mission. However, Gino and Geopelia were not appointed.

41. Demice Skin Paper 377[편집]

Skin of a glacier demice, covered in illegible writing. Geopelia was only able to make out the numbers 377. She handed the rest of the page to Alpa for further analysis.

42. Demice Skin Paper 377 - Clue I[편집]

[Analysis Progress: 3%]
[Words identified: Tower / Puppet / Awaken]

43. Glaci'o'Food[편집]

Famous gourmet magazine distributed in the upper echelons of Glaciaxia. Its editor-in-chief is, according to Dlyro, an interesting experimental chef, who also used to lead the No.1 Circuit Rescue Team. Because subscribing to the e-magazine for a full year rewards the subscriber with 5 liters of ungulate oil, Dlyro used his subordinates' accounts to purchase 10 subscriptions of Glaci'o'Food, as it was much cheaper than ordering ungulate oil by itself.
Geopelia: Gino, have you noticed -
Gino: Noticed what?
Geopelia: Every time the magazine organizes a lottery, you're always on the list.
Gino: How the - How can I win if I haven't even signed up for anything?
Geopelia: Just look.

44. Glaci'o'Food - Clue I[편집]

Glaci'o'Food No.88's Cover: Peppered Camel Mince
"The dish was inspired from a discovery during an expedition. We found an enormous amount of tier-1 whimified bush near the resting place of camels at camp 47. According to the documents, these types of semi-ligneous plants, with alternate, simple leaves, should be pod peppers, an extinct vegetable. It's now being revived by whimification. I recalled that once my old master told me, during ancient times, pepper and salt are best additives to make dishes. Rediscovering the pepper ignites my spirit to recover the ancient recipe. During the nighttime break, I bought a camel from a local camel hunter and experimented my dish. It was a tastebud-buster. Sliced pepper wove perfectly into the minced camel meat. Next, I added some peppercorn and rosemary and decorated the dish. And that's the cover dish of the month."
As usual, we'll pick 5 lucky readers and present you our cover dish. Their names can be found on the back of the magazine.
According to "the back of the magazine": "Congratulations to Gino! Your dish would be served within 3 days, delivered to your camp."
Geopelia: See? I pick at random.
Gino: Yea, I know this. It's the only time that I received the prize.
Geopelia: So lucky me? Let's just browse through the backs of these magazine.
Geopelia: Gino, Gino, Gino, Gino… Wait, what's this?

45. Glaci'o'Food - Clue II[편집]

Glaci'o'Food No.93's Cover: Garlic Ape Eyes
"In theory, whims should be brining disasters to the world, and thus should be eliminated. However, ape, a useless species of whim, is not hostile to us. When I say useless, I mean apes aren't doing anything good for us either. They're usually seen lying on the river bank, with little amount of meat that could be eaten. If they were not tier-3 whimified, they should not be on the elimination list. When the editors received a cuisine that uses ape as its main ingredient, they're quite shocked. But when they scrolled down and found that the cuisine is actually made by ape eyes, they turned their shock to praises. The idea of the dish came from the suppression act against the ghast tide days ago, when the chef of the dish was clearing the battlefield near the river. He stopped his steps at a branch of the river, where he found hundreds of apes dead on a layer of ice. The river bank has marks of wolf claws, and rumors are that such a soil may have garlic grown beneath. The chef managed to harvest several garlics, which were then blended with apes' eyes to create this delicious cuisine. Tip, with a slight hint of vinegar, the dish would taste even better."
The back of the magazine reads: Congratulations to our lucky reader Gino! Your dish would be served within 5 days, delivered to your camp.
Gino: ???
Geoopelia: Ha, eyes.
Gino: I have no appetite for those nasty eyes. I didn't eat that.
Geopelia: It's said that all whims have glittering eyes. Are the apes' eyes shiny?
[Gino looked at Dlyro's collection desk, in the middle of which was a glittering specimen of an eyeball.]
Gino: I think there must be something about this issue.

46. Glaci'o'Food - Clue III[편집]

Glaci'o'Food No.45's Cover: Grilled Mule Tongue
"Today, when the techniques to tame and control a ghast horse is at the edge of being lost, it's our pleasure and luck to interview the last hero with the ability of "Inter-action", Dlyro. She's also the leader of Team VII."
[Video Clip] * Dlyro is displaying the skill of commanding a ghast horse.
[Alert: File incomplete. Attempting to fix…]
[Alert: File corrupted.]
[File rollback and resetting completed.]
Dlyro mentioned grilled donkey, a famous cuisine that only existed in ancient recipes. The mules found this time near the camp of Team LXXXI should be a crossbreed of donkey and horse, which could replace the donkey meat in that recipe. Their outrageous speed of reproduction lit the urge of Dlyro to make full use of their meat. Dlyro also mentioned that the essence of mule meat is its tongue, and that's how the dish was invented.
More then half of our staff came from Team LXXXI. In fact we all believe Glaci'o'Food literally originate from the patrol team. In order to express our gratitude to Dlyro's cuisines and hands-on help, we decided to reserve a seat for lucky reader every month for Team VII, and present him/her a monthly-featured cover cuisine.
Geopelia: Well, the mystery seems to be solved.
Gino: Yea, and shall we head for lunch right now?
[Something flashed into Geopelia's mind]
Geopelia: Hey, the magazine updates today!
Gino: I've a bad feeling about it.
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