Difficulty Chart Obbies

덤프버전 : (♥ 1)

1. 개요
1.1. 상세

1. 개요[편집]

Roblox 내 존재하는 모든 Difficulty Chart 오비들을 의미한다.
점점 난이도가 올라가는 형식이다.

1.1. 상세[편집]

말 그대로 난이도 순으로 Easy ~ Medium ~ Hard ~ (이후생략) Terrifying ~ Catastrophic까지 정렬한 파쿠르 시리즈의 일종이다.[1]그렇지만 Tower of Hell 이나 JToH 같이 특유의 탑 같은 것도 없어서 사실상 어려우면 얼마나 어렵겠어 할수도 있지만..

대부분 5번째 난이도인 Challenging에서부터는 어려운 난이도를 자랑하고(...) 그 이후로는 조금 어려운 난이도로 올려버린다 그래서 단 한 마디로 정리하자면 어렵다.

하지만 그렇다고 아예 깰 수 없는 것은 아니다. 자연스럽게 실력을 쌓다보면 Remorseless ~ Terrifying까지는 도달할 수 있다.
그리고 그것도 충분한 파쿠르 실력자라는 것을 의미하기에 포기하지 말자.

또한 요즘은 더 고난이도의 맵이 추가되었다.
기존에 Catastrophic 이후 Horrific, Unreal, Nil이 끝이였지만.. Nil 이후로 eRRoR, Why, No, DEATH, Nullifying, Hell, TARTARUS 등등의 난이도들이 생겨났다. 또한 유명한 난이도가 아닌, 개인의 맵에만 추가된 난이도까지 포함하면 수천개가 넘는다. Youtube에 "Jump Per Difficulty Chart Obby"를 검색하면 보기 쉽다.[2]

difficulty chart obby라고 하면 너무 길어서 dco라고 줄임말을 정했다. (예시로 Abc's Jump Per Difficuty chart Obby면 AJPDCO2)

풀버전 https://jtohs-joke-towers.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Difficulty_Chart

모든 난이도 Class Lower Negative부터 Class 32까지. [3]

The Final Difficulty - The Lower Gap - Negativity - Unimpossible - Friendliness - True Ease - A - Felix the ДА - Exist - Reversed Peripherality - Relax - Skip - Restful - Ifinity - Instant Win - Millisecondless - Astronomical - Win - Winsome - Do Nothing - Blessing - Vintage - Ifinitude - Just Air - Happylike - Locomotion - Walkthrough - Automatic Joyful - Unlosable - Roll - Mazeophobia - Shattered Badass - Frivolous - Vibeness - Automatic - Spontaneous - Joyful - Do Something - Placid - Press a Key - Tap to Move - Climb A Truss - Walk A Slope - Heaven - Jumpless - Starter - Cakewalk - Sweet - Sugary - Aesthetic - Lovely - Glee - Flowerness - Coasterifying - A Difficulty Named Difficulty - Piece o' Cake - Pleasant - Tutorial - Hellish Encore - Dlightful - TooEasy - Playful - Peaceful - Magnificent - Facile - Efforlessless - Gravel - Effortless - Playground - Pixelized - Simple - Enjoyment - Initiate - Easy - Neat - Smore - Epic - Calmness - Switch - Terrific - Medium - Destiny - Normal - Rewardable - Average - Intermediate - Troublesome - Split - Pixelable - Hard - Extraordinary - Unhappy - Tricky - Easeful - Onerous - Difficult - Strenuous - Harming - Noob Badass - Agitation - tooMedium - Challenging - Demanding - Irritating - maniacal - intense - Terrible - Devilish - Unforgiving - Severe - Desperate - Hellish - Remorseless - C0RrUpT - Destruction - Exploitness - Psycho - Harsh - Relentless - Angerable - Meshuga - File.png - Insane - Thanos - Madness - Uneasy - Extreme - Exterrifiance - Classical - Inferiority - Absurd - Terrifying - Ghastly - Horrifying - Perrifying - Alarming - Catastrophc - Eccentric - Eccentric - Detrimental - Champion's Road - Dorcelessness - Horrific - Cruel - Confident - Eternalized - Unreal - Treacherous - HYPER - Reversed - Prodigious - Anguish - Oblivious - The Human Limet - Misanthrope - nil - Jank - The Heart of Void - Serene Badass - Nightmare - Incognizant - eRRoR - Champion - Literal - WHY - WayTooHard - MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE - No - Purgatory - DEATH - Nullifying - Nifiheim - Annoying - HELL - Vortex - TARTARUS - CALAMITY - Neutralize - Killjoying - Contradiction - Mosaic - Unimaginable - Dimension - Disarray - Omega - SUFFER - Massacre - Insufferable - CHAOS - Incomprehensible - Jeremy - Fighter - Reality - Solar - Aleph-Null - Immeasurable - Noxious - Malicious - Malicious-Zeta - Autism - Schizophrenia - Malevolent - Whitespace - Threatening - Building - Under Construction - Decimation - Mellicious - Galactic - Overwhelming - Invigorating - Artificial - Does Not Compute - Apocalyptic - Eternal Outrage: Remake - Domestic - Plaintext - Destructive - Debatable - Dissonant - Mischievous - Vicious - Eldritch - Monstrous - Inimical - Horrendous - Ultimate - Mought - System Error - Error.exe - Simply Beyond - Ultra - Critical - Absolutism - Hexadecimal - Blue Screen of Death - Winter - Fatal Error - U DED SON - REEE...!!! - Nonexistent - Exigent - Shocking - Supreme - Phi - UNTHINKABLE - Dupreme - Hypreme - Victor - Oblivion - QUANTUM - Cosmic - Trigger - Everdark - Evergreen - Hydration - Y E E T U S - DELETE - MOVE - Xi-Alpha - D-E-L-T-A - Ÿ - Theta-Void - Ultimaniac - Ultra Instinct - Null - Mortifying - Dreadful.exe - Aleph-Cow - • - STOP - Transfinite - Codified - RoorXD - RoorHELL - Unpossible - Misfortun - Jessus Ballin' - HyperViolet - Inevitable - Betafying - Polish Cow - Universal - Ringleader - Nullified Acrimony - El Vacio - Pulverization - Universe Disruption - Mentality - Hyperwave - 60mmm - Spongebob - Malicatious - Glitcher - Save File - Zenith - John Cena Tycoon - Big Chungus - Illegal - Bad Request - Cry About It - Saturn - Multiversal - Universal Glitch - Cor - Multiversally Impossible - Indestructible - FalseGanar - Complete: Obstacles - Hopeless - Aleph-Moo - Plum Bloc - Gameifying - Infinity - Eternity - Wilona - Doog - Dissension - MegaDeath[4] - TooPrecise - Agony - ILOVEYOU - Black Badass - Abyssal - Nitrogen - Dilly Impossible - Gigaversal - Rebirth Calmness - Improbable - Unreasonable - Imperative - Peculiar Wavestats - Chromatic - Meaningless - Ladicrous - Deprived - COMMUNISM - Vacant - Sandbox. - TORMENT - Sacrificingly Impossible - Satan Tartarus Lucifer Void - QR Code - Bar Code - questionable - Purged - Delusion - How? - PingDeath - The Discord Limits - Please do not the cat - Errorisation - Malware - Godlike - Virtual - The Crystal Core - Apeph-DEATH - Esoteric - Zerofied Niflheim - Complete Users - D-I-E - Asthenic - BobuxDeath - Gloomy - Limiting - The Final Accuracy - The Sun - Deceivation - Rush - Nebulous - Curation - PINK DEATH - Aleph-VSC - Maliciofied - Suicide Mission - Mysterious - Undocumented - Denial - B - Erratic - UNACCEPTABLE - Unbearable - Misery - Imniscient - Rebirth Hyper - Cataclysmic - Aleph-Something - Disasterous - The Middleline - Enigmatic - Peril - Vrery hawrfd rdifficultI!!! - Almost - Contumelious - Entsetzlich - Unexplainable - Perfect - Immaculate - Free-Smiley.de - Doom - Lunar - HELLWRATH - Grievous - Entropy - L00P - Bryanjr4474 - Fallen - True Core - Eɼɼosion - Pinnacle - Confusion - Dynamix - YOSHI HAMMER - Eshinion - Forlornness - Persistent - Caught - TooAbnormal - IMPOSSIBLE.EXE - Eletrco - TooRNG - Termination - Tediously Impossible - Catch - Parafron - Exploitist Elite - TooTooHard - <CONSOLE> - True Obama Prism - Oh Noez! - Viratical - Vigorois - Missing - theoretical - Stardark - Devastational - Supreme-Null - Aleph-Aleph-Null - Aleph-Void - Aleph-Virus - Aleph - 3rd Dimension - Thing - Uproarrious - DEATHfinite - Delirium - Questioning Insanity - Infeasible - Omega-Omega - Hollow - Omnipresent - Heccy Impossible - THE BORDERLINE - Cryptic - Unfathomably Impossible - Aleph-TS - Existential - 52! - Obamnium Ballin - Clickbait - Unfiltered Calamity - Afflictive - Pandora - Impenetrable - Blue Moon - Destroiny - TooAleph - Vindication - BRAZIL - MiceHELL - Splitting - Audiolizer - Beanosception - DeathWrath - Trickery - Why Would You Do This - You can't do this - Entangled - Psi - 53? - Complete: Discord - RoorOmega - Obstructed - Cookie - Inconvenience - Googol - Supermundane - Broken - Undiscoverable - Nerdiness - Arcanite - Amalgam - Unemotinal - Doggo - Abysmal - Shoving - Change - Difficultypedia - TooMindBreaking - Engineer - there Is No Difficulty - Inhuman - Infomaniac - the Crystal HELL - couch - AZTEC - SAD FACE D: - Are You Done Yet? - Monumental - Chronophonia - Unorganized Reality - Textify - Acceptance - Ambition - Beyond Infinite - Omnipotent - We Didn't Finish on Time - REDACTED - Deranged.txt - Silent - Behind It All - Depressed - Alogical Fate - Teardrop - Infini - Newarticletext - Universal Reloaded - Destrall - TRANASANIC - Mayhem - Dolorem Aeterna - Dillard - Ying - Fearfulness - Divinty - Ostalute - Absolute - UserDeath - Deception - Unrebirthable - PingHell - UNSCRIPTABLE - The Absolute Dilly Impossible - Inaccesible - Indisputable - Immortalism - Universal Destruction - VANISH - Amplifying - Insurmountable - Virtual Insanity - Beyond - Mystifying - THE CURSED DIFFICULTY - Unknown - Unhappy Slamo - TooSoon - Hardest in the Room - Cataclysmi Absolite Insanity - The Last of Extreme - Devastating - Nexus - Indiscernible - Vaporization - TON 618 - ΩmniΩmega - Cataclysm - CHAOS XD - Unrecognizable - Masochism - Internal - Unforgiving Destruction - Eternified Partyness - Heat - Nightfall - Doge - TAILS DIVINITY - Doom O'Clock - Abjunctive - Excavation - Reminiscence - Mastery - Maximum Misery - The Integral Limits - Aleph-Eterity - Zerstörung - Recursive - Tomfoolery - N/AN/A - Far Reaches of Impossibility - Venaliousyte - The Polygonal Combination - P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E. - Dissonance - 6 - Conflicting - Hellgate - Mania - Meticulous - Rubik's Cube - Eternal - CASTLE TIDES!!! - π - 4th Dimension - Riftial - Average Babass - Imminent - Patterns - DYNAMICDUO - OneLife - Sunt Vera Ultima - theoretical Aleph-Null - Weyond - Interference - Epsilon-Naught - Still - Golden Cookie - Source Code - Colossal - Flaming Paradox - Pandemonium - OddPandemonium03 - Collaborative Chaos - ordinally unimaginable - Impure - Choice - The GREAT TRANASINIC COMBINATION - D - Transcendental Boundary - IT TRANSCENDS ALL - KLJY - TFN - Irrational - Ungraspable - Aleph-Math - Its Just A Burning Memory - Ignominy - The Difficulty Enthusiast - Sanjay2133 - Psychotic Hell - Anomination - GLITCHED REALITY - Psychosomatic - Inadvisable - Deterioration - OneSention - Megalomaniacal - RGB - Starglass - DEADLY TUBULAR DEATH - Mythic - TooLarge - Endless - Torturous - Prevalition - BRUTAL CALAMITY - Transmaximal - Kenos - Inconcievable - 11th Dimension - Eviscerating - Spinning Skull - ABSOLUTE INFINITY - Unboundable - Primal Babass - Uncompitable - Effortful - Gar-HELL - Culmination - Undefinable - Empyrean - True Hell - The Ultimate Construct - Penultimate - The Upper Gap - Liminal[5] - Transcendence[6] - Uber[7] - Ineffable[8] - Inutilis[9] THE FINAL DIFFICULTY
파일:CC-white.svg 이 문서의 내용 중 전체 또는 일부는 2023-10-23 18:31:09에 나무위키 Difficulty Chart Obbies 문서에서 가져왔습니다.

[1] 대부분 JToH이라는 게임에서 난이도 영감을 받았다.[2] 이 팬덤에서 더 자세히 볼 수 있다.[3] 이걸 만드느라 엄청나게 힘들었다고...[4] 뇌절이긴 하나... 이 뒤에 Death Chain이 있는데 이름이 GigaDeath - ExaDeath - YottaDeath - OMEGADEATH - OmniDeath가 있다.[5] The Final Difficulty에 가기 위한 첫번째 챌린지.[6] The Final Difficulty에 가기 위한 두번째 챌린지.[7] The Final Diffiuclty에 가기 위한 세번째 챌린지.[8] The Final Difficulty에 가기 위한 네번째 챌린지.[9] The FInal Difficulty에 가기 위한 마지막 챌린지.