2024 LCK Challengers League Spring/5주차(1라운드)

덤프버전 : (♥ 2)


1. 개요
2. 대회 정보
3. 41경기 DK 0 : 0 GEN
3.1. 1세트
3.2. 2세트
3.3. 3세트
3.4. 총평
4. 42경기 KT 0 : 0 KDF
4.1. 1세트
4.2. 2세트
4.3. 3세트
4.4. 총평
5. 43경기 FOX 0 : 0 NS
5.1. 1세트
5.2. 2세트
5.3. 3세트
5.4. 총평
6. 44경기 BRO 0 : 0 T1
6.1. 1세트
6.2. 2세트
6.3. 3세트
6.4. 총평
7. 45경기 DRX 0 : 0 HLE
7.1. 1세트
7.2. 2세트
7.3. 3세트
7.4. 총평

1. 개요[편집]

2024 LCK Challengers League Spring 5주차 1라운드, 2월 19일과 20일의 경기를 기록한 문서.

순위세트 득실득실차연속비고
1파일:한화생명e스포츠 로고.svg[[파일:한화생명e스포츠 로고 화이트 (텍스트).svgHLE6112-6+65승
2파일:광동 프릭스 로고.svg[[파일:광동 프릭스 로고 (화이트, 주황).svgKDF5212-6+62승
3파일:농심 레드포스 로고.svgNS5212-7+52패
4파일:Dplus KIA 로고.svg[[파일:Dplus KIA 로고(화이트).svgDK4310-8+22승
5파일:kt 롤스터 로고(다크모드).svg[[파일:kt 롤스터 로고.svgKT4310-9+13승
6파일:FearX 로고 옐로우.svgFOX347-10-31패
6파일:OK저축은행 브리온 로고.svg[[파일:OK저축은행 브리온 로고 화이트.svgBRO347-10-31패
8파일:DRX 로고.svg[[파일:DRX 로고(화이트).svgDRX259-12-33패
8파일:T1 로고.svgT1258-11-31승
10파일:GGA 로고 심플.png[[파일:젠지 글로벌 아카데미 로고 화이트.svgGEN165-13-83패
파란색: PO R2 진출 | 녹색: PO R1 진출 | 노란색: PO 진출 실패 | 볼드체: 순위 확정

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 2024 LCK CL Spring 1R / 5주차 중계 로테이션

2. 대회 정보[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg
패치 버전14.x
글로벌 밴-

3. 41경기 DK 0 : 0 GEN[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 정규시즌 41경기 Player of the Game

3.1. 1세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 41경기 1세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

3.2. 2세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 41경기 2세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

3.3. 3세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 41경기 3세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

3.4. 총평[편집]

4. 42경기 KT 0 : 0 KDF[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 정규시즌 42경기 Player of the Game

4.1. 1세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 42경기 1세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]


4.2. 2세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 42경기 2세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]


4.3. 3세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 42경기 3세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]


4.4. 총평[편집]

5. 43경기 FOX 0 : 0 NS[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 정규시즌 43경기 Player of the Game

5.1. 1세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 43경기 1세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

5.2. 2세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 43경기 2세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]

5.3. 3세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 43경기 3세트, year=2024, month=02, day=19
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

5.4. 총평[편집]

6. 44경기 BRO 0 : 0 T1[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 정규시즌 44경기 Player of the Game

6.1. 1세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 44경기 1세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

6.2. 2세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 44경기 2세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

6.3. 3세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 44경기 3세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

6.4. 총평[편집]

7. 45경기 DRX 0 : 0 HLE[편집]

파일:LCK CL 심볼 화이트.svg 정규시즌 45경기 Player of the Game

7.1. 1세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 45경기 1세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

7.2. 2세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 45경기 2세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

7.3. 3세트[편집]

[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과
, match=정규시즌 45경기 3세트, year=2024, month=02, day=20
, bteam=, bresult=, rteam=, rresult=, time=
, bkill=, bdeath=, bassist=, rkill=, rdeath=, rassist=
, bgold=, bbounty=, rgold=, rbounty=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽
, blueteam=, redteam=
, d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5=
, p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5=
, d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5=
, p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5=
, d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5=
, p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5=
, d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5=
, p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)]
[include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤
, bluedragon1=, bluedragon2=
, bluedragon3=, bluesoul=
, reddragon1=, reddragon2=
, reddragon3=, redsoul=)]

7.4. 총평[편집]

8. 1라운드 결산[편집]

파일:나무위키상세내용.png   자세한 내용은 2024 LCK Challengers League Spring/1라운드 결산 문서를 참고하십시오.

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