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덤프버전 : r20170327

1. introduce SophiaYuan
2. why 나무위키?
3. I hope you guys help us editing this document!

1. introduce SophiaYuan[편집]

They're just a 6thgrade child who don't know much about the world. They loves to learn about 1600s America's histories. Sometimes, they likes to write a documentary and that's why they started 나무위키.

2. why 나무위키?[편집]

My father's very wise, and he noticed that lots of peoples in encyclopedia are very confused about what they're editing. Soon, I wanted to fix it but they just ignored it and edited again. But 나무위키, they likes to hear other people's opinion. I think that's the reason why they are debating. I like it, and I'm lovin'.

3. I hope you guys help us editing this document![편집]