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골드스미스 대학교/학과 및 연구소

덤프버전 :

파일:상위 문서 아이콘.svg   상위 문서: 골드스미스 대학교

1. 개요
2. 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities)
3. 문화사회대학 (School of Culture and Society)
4. 전문연구과학기술대학 (School of Professional Studies, Science and Technology)

1. 개요[편집]

영국 골드스미스 대학교의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록.

2. 예술인문대학 (School of Arts and Humanities)[편집]

학과, 학부, 연구소
미술학부(Department of Art)
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디자인학부(Department of Design)
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영어문예창작학부(Department of English and Creative Writing)
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음악학부(Department of Music)
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연극공연학부(Department of Theatre and Performance)
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시각문화학부(Department of Visual Cultures)
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3. 문화사회대학 (School of Culture and Society)[편집]

학과, 학부, 연구소
인류학부(Department of Anthropology)
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역사학부(Department of History)
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법학부(Department of Law)
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미디어커뮤니케이션문화연구학부(Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies)
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정치국제관계학부(Department of Politics and International Relations)
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사회학부(Department of Sociology)
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4. 전문연구과학기술대학 (School of Professional Studies, Science and Technology)[편집]

학과, 학부, 연구소
컴퓨팅학부(Department of Computing)
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교육학부(Department of Educational Studies)
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창의문화앙트레프레너십교육원(Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship)
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경영교육원(Institute of Management Studies)
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심리학부(Department of Psychology)
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사회치료공동체연구학부(Department of Social, Therapeutic and Community Studies)
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