[[분류:칼리 레이 젭슨]][[분류:캐나다의 팝 음반]][[분류:2008년 데뷔 음반]][[분류:팝 록]][[분류:포크 음악]] [include(틀:상위 문서, top1=칼리 레이 젭슨/음반 목록)] [include(틀:칼리 레이 젭슨)] ---- {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" ||<-3> {{{#!wiki style="margin:3px" [[칼리 레이 젭슨|[[파일:Carly Rae Jepsen - Tug of War Era 로고.png|width=100]]]]}}},,[[칼리 레이 젭슨/음반 목록|{{{#191919 '''칼리 레이 젭슨의 음반 순서'''}}}]],, || ||<|2>||<|2> {{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color:#191919; font-size: 0.55em; letter-spacing: -0.1px" {{{#85a893 '''정규 1집'''}}}}}}[br]{{{+1 ''' ''Tug of War'' '''}}}[br]{{{-2 (2008)}}} || {{{#191919,#fff →}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 4px; border-radius: 3px; background-color:#008fcb; font-size: 0.55em; letter-spacing: -0.1px" {{{#fff '''EP'''}}}}}}[br]{{{-1 ''' ''[[Curiosity(칼리 레이 젭슨)|{{{#008fcb Curiosity}}}]]'' '''}}}[br]{{{-2 (2012)}}} ||}}} {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" ||<-3> '''{{{+2 ''Tug of War''}}}'''[br]{{{-2 '''터그 오브 워'''}}} || ||<-3>{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Tug of War(칼리 레이 젭슨) Album Cover.jpg|width=100%]]}}}|| || '''아티스트''' ||<-2> '''[[칼리 레이 젭슨]]''' || ||<|2> '''발매일''' || [[캐나다|[[파일:캐나다 국기.svg|width=24]]]] || '''2008년 9월 30일''' || || [[미국|[[파일:미국 국기.svg|width=24]]]] || '''2011년 6월 14일''' || || '''장르''' ||<-2> '''[[팝 록]] • [[포크 음악|포크]]''' || || '''프로듀서''' ||<-2> '''라이언 스튜어트[* 조시 램지가 담당한 'Sour Candy'와 존 덴버의 커버곡인 'Sunshine on My Shoulders'를 제외한 전곡을 칼리와 공동으로 작사 작곡하고, 단독으로 프로듀싱했다.] • 조시 램지''' || || '''레이블''' ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; margin: -1px; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 3px; background: #fff" [[파일:604-Records.png|height=20]]}}} ||}}} [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == 2008년 9월 30일 발매된 '''[[칼리 레이 젭슨]]의 데뷔 앨범.''' 2008년 발매 당시에는 캐나다에서만 제한적으로 공개되었다. 음반사도 Maple Music이라는 독립 레이블이었다. 때문에 현재까지도 이 앨범에 대한 정보가 많지 않다. 메인스트림 발매는 2011년 604 Records를 통해 이루어졌으며, 2011년 6월 14일에는 미국 iTunes에도 정식 공개되었다. 한편 미국 시장 CD 판매는 2013년 10월 1일이 되어서야 시작되었다.[* 때문에 칼리의 첫 번째 글로벌 데뷔 앨범은 2집 '[[Kiss(칼리 레이 젭슨)|Kiss]]'로 친다.] 수록곡의 성격이 '''팝락과 포크''' 사이에 걸쳐있어서, 어쿠스틱 기타로 음악을 작곡하던 칼리의 초기 음악을 들을 수 있다. 칼리가 아직 본격적인 신스 팝 음악을 추구하기 전의 노래들인 셈. [[Call Me Maybe]]처럼 칼리하면 흔히 떠오르는 틴팝 장르가 아니기 때문에 처음 들으면 이질감이 느껴지기도 한다. 그렇지만 꽤 좋다. 아쉽게도 [[아이튠즈]]나 [[스포티파이]], [[유튜브]]같은 미디어로만 접할 수 있다. 현재 국내 음원사들에는 라이센스 문제로 서비스가 되고 있지 않다. == 싱글 == [include(틀:Tug of War(칼리 레이 젭슨)/싱글)] == 트랙리스트 == {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" ||<-3>{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Tug of War(칼리 레이 젭슨) Album Cover.jpg|width=100%]]}}}|| ||<-3> '''Tug of War''' [br]{{{-3 (2008.09.30)}}} || ||<-3> ''10개 트랙, 31:31'' || || '''트랙''' || '''곡명''' || '''길이''' || || 01 || [[파일:single_sign.png|width=10]] '''Bucket''' || 02:51 || || 02 || [[파일:single_sign.png|width=10]] '''Tug of War''' || 03:44 || || 03 || Money and the Ego || 03:10 || || 04 || Tell Me || 02:20 || || 05 || Heavy Lifting || 03:41 || || 06 || [[파일:single_sign.png|width=10]] '''Sunshine On My Shoulders''' || 03:35 || || 07 || Worldly Matters || 03:21 || || 08 || Sweet Talker || 02:56 || || 09 || Hotel Shampoos || 02:52 || || 10 || [[파일:single_sign.png|width=10]] '''Sour Candy''' || 03:01 || ||<-3>ⓟ 2011 604 Records Inc.[* 2008년 발매 당시에는 발매사가 Maple Music Inc. 였으나, 2011년 바뀌었다.] ||}}} * [[파일:single_sign.png|width=15]] : 정규 싱글 === Bucket === ||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(evXtrZrdQ3o)]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(2KSQVV0Zf3Q)]}}}|| || {{{#191919 '''Music Video'''}}} || {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}} || ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Suns out we got a beach day Forget yourself say why don't we people watch? Kids are playin' 'round in the sand Oh no, he's got some troubles Got us laughing as he throws his shovel Nothings really going as planned I don't know how we're going to build a castle now Do you want to start again somehow? I'll stay until the sun comes down, down down Look over my shoulder See your laughter bubble over Lately you've been working too hard And I've been waiting to recognize That sparkle that's in your eye Those two dimples on your cheeks The joy that lights the fire I don't know how we're going to build a castle now Do you want to start again somehow? I'll stay until the sun comes down, down down There's a hole in my bucket, Dear Liza, Dear Liza There's a hole in my bucket, Dear Liza, a hole And I don't know how we're supposed to build a castle now Do you want to start again somehow? I'll stay until the sun comes down, down, down I'll stay until the sun comes I don't know how we're gonna build a castle now Do you want to start again somehow? I'll stay until the sun comes down, down down 'till the sun comes down Sun's coming down, I'll stay (Sun's down, here come the waves, and there goes the carousel) Sun's coming down, I'll stay (Sun's down, here come the waves, and there goes the carousel) Sun's coming down, I'll stay (Sun's down, here come the waves, and there goes the carousel) }}}}}}|| 2009년 4월 4일 세 번째 싱글로 발매되었다. 빌보드 [[캐나다]] 핫 100 차트에서 32위까지 올라가며 이 앨범에서 가장 좋은 성적을 거두었다. 여담으로, 뮤직비디오에 등장하는 사람들은 칼리의 실제 친구들이라고 한다. 칼리 말로는 뮤직비디오를 찍는다는 느낌 보다는 친구들과 해변 파티를 벌이는 느낌이었다고. 2009년 4월 말 촬영했는데, 찍는 날 날씨가 워낙 추워 꽤나 고생했다고 한다. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpx_cV4ecnA&list=UU-4NAdFIP6h9BmtGUFL94Pg|뮤직비디오 Behind The Scene]] === Tug of War === ||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(5IoedEgydRo)]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(geT9ZrDlDNo)]}}}|| || {{{#191919 '''Music Video'''}}} || {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}} || ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]You seem to good Too good to be true You're holding me stronger Stronger than I'm used to Don't go out with the boys tonight I won't sleep a wink Wondering what you're doing Don't go out with the girls tonight I will turn to drink Wondering who you're screwing Tug of War Sweet as sin I let go I fell in Feel the pull Call your name I'm alone Once again You seem too You seem too good Too good to be true You're holding me stronger Stronger than I'm used to Don't go out with the boys tonight I won't sleep a wink Wondering what you're doing Don't go out with the girls tonight I will turn to drink Wondering who you're screwing Tug of war (don't go out with the boys tonight) Sweet as sin (you seem too good) I let go I fell in (too good to be true) Feel the pull (don't go out with the girls tonight) Call your name (I'm loving you longer) I'm alone (I will turn to drink) Once again (longer than I'm used to) Tug of war (don't go out with the boys tonight) Sweet as sin (you seem too good) I let go I fell in (too good to be true) Feel the pull (don't go out with the girls tonight) Call your name (I'm loving you longer) I'm alone (I will turn to drink) Once again (longer than I'm used to) Tug of war Feel the pull Tug of war Feel the pull }}}}}}|| 2008년 9월 16일 두 번째 싱글로 발매되었다. 빌보드 [[캐나다]] 핫 100 차트 최고 기록은 36위이다. 'Canadian Radio Music Award'의 올해의 노래상 후보에 올랐다. === Money and the Ego === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(5xFlq42ovJ8)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Make my house of bricks And I'll stick here when the world Comes crashing down around me Make your arms a willow tree And you can bend with me Anywhere I'm going Sometimes it's hard to see Anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money And the ego How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money And the ego Keep your eyes on me And I'll look to you so I can see What I am here for Pull the wool over my eyes Please kiss this day goodbye Only you can get me going Sometimes it's hard to see Anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money And the ego How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money And the ego When giving up is all you got And giving up is all you want You hear yourself say you lost the will The power When giving up is all you got And giving up is all you want Don't be afraid to sit down In your shower You can stay in there for hours Make my house of bricks And I'll stick here when the world Comes crashing down around me Sometimes it's hard to see Anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money And the ego How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money And the ego }}}}}}|| === Tell Me === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(081PcDnWfNI)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Tell me Baby is it yes or no You've got a face that just don't show What's going on inside Tell me I swear I'll take it on the chin Don't sugar-coat where I fit in Whats going on Inside you there's a room A room with a door I finally come knocking And I've been here before Oh I've got this love for you But what is if for If you can't hear me then Tell me Last chance Hold me in your arms and say If you want this love to walk away Tell me and I'll say goodbye Inside you there's a room A room with a door I finally come knocking And I've been here before Oh I've got this love for you But what is if for If you can hear me then I'll make it easy, I'm counting to three Am I something you want or someone you need? baby (Tell me that you want me, tell me that you love me) Just tell me that you want me, tell me that you love me (Tell me that you want me, tell me that you love me) Tell me, darling won't you tell me I'm begging you to tell me Tell me and I'll say goodbye }}}}}}|| === Heavy Lifting === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(oPRt9NanSBM)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]You undo me I'm a happy mess My dress slips to the floor And I pose, what an amateur To be like this! "exposed" You deny the other side of me That strips good love away And you kissed my mirror reflection When I looked at me today When you look at me the way you do My fingers tingle I can't breathe until we're skin on skin When you look at me the way you do My life moves in perfect motion You're doing all the heavy lifting Worlds collide I see a side of you I never saw before We can work it out, let's talk it out I want to know you more Just decided That I'd like to side with you Oh every time When you ask me how I'm feeling now You know I'm feeling fine When you look at me the way you do My fingers tingle I can't breathe until we're skin on skin When you look at me the way you do My life moves in perfect motion You're doing all the heavy lifting Oh, look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do Oh, look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do Look at me, look at me the way you do When you look at me the way you do My fingers tingle I can't breathe until we're skin on skin When you look at me the way you do My life moves in perfect motion You're doing all the heavy lifting Oh, look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do Look at me, look at me the way you do Oh, look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do Look at me the way you do When you look at me the way you do }}}}}}|| === Sunshine On My Shoulders === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(ewb9BphlAPM)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry Sunshine on the water that is so lovely Sunshine almost always makes me high If I had a day that I could give you I would give a day sure to make you smile Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine almost makes me high If I had a day that I could give you I would give to you a day just like today Ah, and if I had a song that I could sing for you I would sing a song to make you feel this way, ooh Sunshine, ooh, sunshine La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine almost always makes me high Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy Sunshine almost always makes me high }}}}}}|| 2008년 6월 16일 발매된 리드 싱글. 미국의 포크~컨트리 가수 [[존 덴버]]의 곡을 커버했다.[* 참고로 존 덴버의 원곡은 [[빌보드 핫 100]] 1위까지 올랐다.] === Worldly Matters === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(wNPx57gMQy0)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Hot pink skies, twilight of the day I think that I've been going bout this the wrong way Kids on my street got it right man, Barefoot hide and seek My best friend she lives up the road Haven't talked to her in weeks Oh time don't blind me, I am so sorry I've been swept up in my own concerns And the worldly matters, they just don't matter at all No, not at all I keep on walking I stop Ditching all my plans I want to climb that cedar tree and leave me in good hands What happened to me on the way to something higher What will be left when I have all that I desire? Oh time don't blind me, I am so sorry I've been swept up in my own concerns And the worldly matters, they just don't matter at all No, not at all No, not at all }}}}}}|| === Sweet Talker === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(rMXfN0SmTdg)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]I can see Sweet talk I'm not gonna stop you You talk so sweet Man, it's dribbling like honey It's just one taste I see what you're tryna do Oh-oh, yeah-yeah It's hard Stakes are getting higher No love for free, man It costs if you're the buyer My life for me I see what you're tryna do, oh-oh C'mon Lazy lover, oh you Slide me through your... Slide me through your... Lazy lover, I will slide me Through your window And I'll give you All the sweetest dreams you ever had Make your early morning not so bad I can see just what you're tryna do That's a nice house I like what you've done with the place Your gingerbread and that Greedy smile upon your face I can see just what you're tryna do, oh-oh C'mon Lazy lover, oh you Slide me through your... Slide me through your... Lazy lover, I will slide me Through your window And I'll give you All the sweetest dreams you ever had Make your early morning not so bad I can see what you're tryna do But don't worry I say get it over with 'Cause what you want to know, you've got it On your fingertips Don't you ask for more That wave just tumbles me 'round 'Til I'm lost somewhere Where baby, I can't make a sound It's so unfortunate But I've already been through this And I can see just what you're tryna do, oh-oh I can see just what you need to do I can see just what you tryna do, oh-oh }}}}}}|| 그녀가 Canadian Idol 예선에서 자작곡으로 선보였던 노래다. === Hotel Shampoos === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(X0mlb0nNU8Y)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: -5px 10px; padding: 7px 0;" {{{#191919 '''Official Audio'''}}}}}}|| ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]I survive on hotel shampoos I'll be runnin' out soon You've gone away again Gone to collect some more Your hands pressed hard into me I thought this summer you'd be gone away again Ooh, he's gone away again We were poor Yeah, we were dream chasers, baby Skyscrapers are not too tall He's gonna prove me right 'til I'm wrong Craving all the gold and the riches I don't want to wash my own dishes He's gone away again, hmm He's gone away again Driving in a sweet brand new car I'm living the life of a superstar I got my way again, hmm I got my way again We were poor Yeah, we were dream chasers, baby Skyscrapers are not too tall He's gonna prove me right 'til I'm wrong He says that he don't recognize us In all our pretty disguises In all our pretty disguises Work hard, oh, we work hard until we're sleeping And we sleep, but we're not dreaming Oh, we sleep, but we're not dreaming Where's his love? (Where's his love) Where's his kisses? He says, "Sorry, babe, this has got away from me" He's gone away from me We were poor Yeah, we were dream chasers, baby Skyscrapers are not too tall He's gonna prove me right I know he'll prove me right He's gonna prove me right 'til I'm wrong }}}}}}|| === Sour Candy === ||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(egA-UEDoN_M)]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(Dmasg5LPIhY)]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(Us8abQsbXuU)]}}}|| || {{{#191919 '''Music Video'''}}} || {{{#191919 '''Official Audio[* 조쉬 램지와 함께한 버전]'''}}} || {{{#191919 '''Official Audio[* 솔로 버전]'''}}} || ||
<:>{{{#!wiki style="padding:0px" '''{{{#191919 가사}}}'''}}}|| ||<#fff,#191919><:>{{{#!wiki style="background-color:#fff,#191919;color:#191919,#fff" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [br]Sour Candy, endin Coffee stains, where oh I'm so tangled up in my Big sunglasses and, bed hungry Second day fair No we went under The weight was too much to carry in I felt the thunder Mr. Don't look so scared I never knew, I never knew That I could be so sad We went under I've been very cautious Trying on this shed of pain Your humor makes me, makes me nauseous OU In a twisted, twisted, twisted game. No we went under The weight was too much to carry in I felt the thunder Mr. Don't Look So Scared I never knew, I never knew That I could be so sad we went under Ohhhhh get your self home You leave him alone On second thought I regret the things to let, Soo ohhh, oh ho Sour Candy... endings And I was barely even there. No we went under, The weight was too much to carry in I felt the thunder, Mr. Don't look so scared I never knew I never knew That I could be so sad so sad so sad so sad So sad We went under }}}}}}|| 2009년 10월 30일 발매된 해당 앨범의 네 번째이자 마지막 싱글이다. 캐나다의 밴드 'Marianas Trench'의 리드보컬 조시 램지가 작곡과 백보컬로 참여했다. 싱글컷 된 버전은 아예 듀엣으로 부른다. [각주][include(틀:문서 가져옴, title=칼리 레이 젭슨/음반 목록, version=224, paragraph=3.1)]