[[분류:2022년 싱글]][[분류:디지털 싱글]][[분류:중국의 음반]] ||<-2> '''LUKERAN Digital Single''' || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us ONLINE COVER.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || || '''발매일''' || [include(틀:국기, 국명=중국, 출력= )] [[2022년]] [[11월 7일]] || || '''가수''' || [[루커란]] || || '''프로듀서''' || Kyle Yoon || || '''기획사''' || [[TOV 엔터테인먼트|[[파일:TOV 엔터.png|width=60]]]] || || '''곡 수''' || 1곡 || || '''재생 시간''' || 03:42 || || '''타이틀곡''' || '''Something Like Us''' || [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == ||
'''{{{#3a2f2b POSTER}}}''' || || {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 1.jpg|width=100%]]}}} ||}}} || ||<#aeb2cf> '''{{{#3a2f2b 〈CONCEPT PHOTO〉}}}''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ D-1 포토 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -1px -11px" || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 2.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 3.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 4.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 5.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 6.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:Something Like Us 7.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || }}}}}}}}} || 2022년 11월 17일에 생일을 맞아 발매된 루커란의 디지털 싱글이다. == 수록곡 == ||<-5>
<#aeb2cf> {{{#3a2f2b '''LUKERAN Digital Single "Something Like Us"'''}}} || ||<-5> 2022. 11. 17. (금) 12:00(CST) 발매 || || {{{-1 '''트랙'''}}} || {{{-1 '''곡명'''}}} || {{{-1 '''작사'''}}} || {{{-1 '''작곡'''}}} || {{{-1 '''편곡'''}}} || || {{{-2 '''01'''}}} || [[#-4.1|{{{#000,#fff {{{-1 ''' Something Like Us'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{-4 {{{#!html TITLE}}}}}} || {{{-2 Kyle Yoon}}} || {{{-2 Elly, [[루커란]]}}} || {{{-2 Kyle Yoon}}} || === Something Like Us === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px -6px" [youtube(j72LbL7AiRI)]}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] Fire Tell me where you go Sadness Please don't cut me off alone Yeah感受着温度的侵略 You give me some被爱着的错觉 急着谢幕的夜 I've been chasing for your back my babe Ur ur ur Why don't you let me know where you are So can you take me somewhere That made just for two of us I saw you tripping I know you've been waiting You are Yeah I know you are Quiet 寂静里面起舞 Treasure 不需要扔掉孤独 Yeah暧昧的火焰在跳跃 一点一点融化我的理解 急着谢幕的夜 I've been chasing for your back my babe Ur ur ur Why don't you let me know where you are So can you take me somewhere That's made just for two of us I saw you tripping I know you've been waiting You are Yeah I know you are So can you take me somewhere That's made just for two of us I saw you tripping I know you've been waiting You are Yeah I know you are }}} || ==== 뮤직 비디오 ==== ||<#aeb2cf> {{{#3a2f2b '''{{{+1 Something Like Us}}}[br]Music Video'''}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(dEfpvvOBEF0)]}}} ||