[[분류:디센던츠]] ||<-2>
{{{#000,#000 '''{{{+1 Return to the Isle of the Lost}}}'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[파일:ReturntotheIsleoftheLost.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || || '''장르''' ||판타지 || || '''저자''' ||Melissa de la Cruz || || '''출판사''' ||Disney Press || || '''발행일''' ||2016년 5월 24일 || || '''시리즈''' ||The Isle of the Lost: Descendants || || '''전편''' ||The Isle of the Lost || || '''후편''' ||Rise of the Isle of the Lost || || '''쪽수''' ||320p || || '''ISBN''' ||978148750711 || [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == [[디센던츠 시리즈]]의 프리퀄 소설, 'The Isle of the Lost' 시리즈의 2권. == 줄거리 == [include(틀:스포일러)] || {{{#000 '''The Isle of the Lost'''}}} || ||
{{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all" Mal's an expert at intimidating her enemies, but she’s broken the habit since leaving her villainous roots behind. So when she and her friends Evie, Carlos, and Jay all receive threatening messages demanding they return home, Mal can’t believe it. Sure, she’s King Ben’s girlfriend now, and she’s usually nice to her classmates, but she still didn’t think anyone would be silly enough to try to push her around. The thing is, it kind of worked. Especially since she and her friends have a sneaking suspicion that their villainous parents are behind the messages. And when Evie looks into her Magic Mirror, what she sees only confirms their fears. Maleficent’s just a tiny lizard after her run-in with Mal at Ben’s Coronation, but she’s the worst villain in the land for a reason. Could she have found a way to escape? Whatever’s going on, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay know they have to sneak back to the Isle and get to the bottom of it. Without its infamous leader, the island’s even worse than when they left it, but the comforts of home―even a home as gloomy as the Isle of the Lost―can be hard to resist for recently reformed villains. Will the kids be able to beat the evil bubbling at the Isle’s wicked core, or will the plot to destroy Auradon succeed?}}}|| === 목차 === ||<-2> {{{#000 '''Return to the Isle of the Lost 목차'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -11px; margin-bottom: -16px" || {{{#000 '''순서'''}}} || {{{#000 '''제목'''}}} || || ||Disney's Descendants || ||<-2> The "Good" Life || || 1 ||Tale as Old as Time || || 2 ||Fighting Knights || || 3 ||Scorch in the Stone || || 4 ||Never Read the Comments || || 5 ||Tangled Web || || 6 ||Maleficent Dearest || || 7 ||Friends of the Round Table || || 8 ||X Marks the What? || || 9 ||Plans Within Plans || || 10 ||Energy = Magic Squared? || || 11 ||A Wish Is a Dream Your Hear Makes || || 12 ||Castlecoming Queens || || 13 ||Ticket to Ride || || 14 ||My Boyfriends's Back || ||<-2> Anti-Heroes || || 15 ||Isle Sweet Isle || || 16 ||Gothic Style || || 17 ||Terrible Two || || 18 ||Pirate's Booty || || 19 ||The Mists of Auradon || || 20 ||Bargain Bin || || 21 ||Frenemies || || 22 ||Needle in a Haystack || || 23 ||Down the Rabbit Hole || || 24 ||Warm Welcome? || || 25 ||One More Fairy Tale || || 26 ||Anti-What? || || 27 ||Anti Heroes' Secret || || 28 ||The Sorcerer's Apprentices || || 29 ||Double Trouble || || 30 ||Seeds of Temptation || || 31 ||The Rescuers || || 32 ||Unfair Fight || || 33 ||Serpent's Scales || || 34 ||Underwater Epiphany || ||<-2> The Four Talismans || || 35 ||Underground Lair || || 36 ||Fruit of Venom || || 37 ||Sand Snake || || 38 ||Golden Cobra || || 39 ||Metropolitan Labyrinth || || 40 ||The Ring of Envy || || 41 ||Dragon's Nest || || 42 ||Dragon's Egg || || 43 ||Which Witch? || || 44 ||Wizards' Duel || || 45 ||Happily Ever After, for Now at Least || }}}}}} || == [[디센던츠 시리즈/등장인물|등장인물]] == [include(틀:상세 내용, 문서명=디센던츠 시리즈/등장인물)]