[[분류:Phigros]] [include(틀:Phigros)] [include(틀:스포일러)] [목차] == [Image] Clock Paradox == || '''Date''' ||771/08/31 || || '''Supervisior''' ||Geopelia || || '''Category''' ||key || ||<-2>The spaceship steps into the depth of the universe, as its engine rumbles. The mining machines wander among the asteroid belt off the racetrack. Viewing far out to the south pole of Saturn, there is a giant clock face, so profound as the eye of the white whole. The spaceship of the first men, Ark I, stops here, in the still time, falling back occasionally as a mirage. From the distance to the near, countless needles with unknown scales rotates slowly, clockwise or anticlockwise. Some stays in silence for years without moving for one second, while others move as swiftly as photons, spin and sink from the highest point, falling into the far depth of the inner core. Those needles are nearly identical, all connected in series by the pole, maintaining the clockwork in an incomprehensible way. Perhaps the only clock needle we see has always been that same one, while the others are mere fading phantoms, filling in the gaps of the real numbers, and then become nameless new real number scales, until no longer divisible. The seemingly never-stopping time appears like a view of moving frames. It stays still at its smallest scale, yet relative to the observers, the stillness obtains the nature of movement. Whether it is due to the movement or the stillness of the observer, we are yet to know. This is the clock paradox. || == Clock Town 93rd ALIGN Club Type Rally == || '''Date''' ||771/08/31 || || '''Supervisior''' ||Geopelia || || '''Category''' ||key || ||<-2>1. Pass through the following areas in order: South Pole Anti-Gravity Course, Clock City Pipe Wall Course, Star Ring Racing Obstacle Course, Mazarine's End Overlap Course. 2. Pass the Endless Sea sinking zone with A-class speed and reach the finish line. 3. [Data Expunged] || == 路星67-改 == || '''Date''' ||771/01/05 || || '''Supervisior''' ||Geopelia || || '''Category''' ||bold || ||<-2>鸠名下的宇宙飞船,外观为信号路星67的仿古老爷车,实际使用者为Gino。该飞船为福洛戈粒子引擎驱动,搭配希洛T-810型火力系统,河海371型反重力装置,全车采用纯虚拟底盘布置设计,搭载设备与外观展示没有视觉直观上的联系。 它的原主人是律动星的一位房地产经销商,他对改造载具的偏好独特,独爱接近散架的器物碰撞声,手感越差的车他越爱不释手。因此该飞船经历“盗乐行”变得完整后,原主人很快就将其出给了Fuli所属的社团。 || == 路星67-改·线索一 == || '''Date''' ||771/08/20 || || '''Supervisior''' ||Geopelia || || '''Category''' ||bold || ||<-2>鸠:这车能开出去嘛。 Gino:能是能,你要开去哪儿? 鸠:哎呀,这不Align大赛要开始了吗,那边让我去监工。 Gino:我还以为取消了。 鸠:抗议的人太多,一群亡命之徒。 Gino:你还会开飞船吗,还是我跟你去吧,别开坏了,20GB呢。 || == 豌豆种植记录·线索二 == || '''Date''' ||771/07/16 || || '''Supervisior''' ||Broken Data Research || || '''Category''' ||souvenir || ||<-2>记录:前几天捡的豌豆似乎被鸠小姐吃掉了,唉。 || == Distress Letter - Clue II == || '''Date''' ||771/07/20 || || '''Supervisior''' ||豌豆 || || '''Category''' ||bold || ||<-2>“To:可怜的豌豆特工 如果那样的话,记得要他们给我留一杯。哦对,要半糖的。 很想喝的雪梨膏干事,敬上。” || == Chronos's Pigeon - Clue II == || '''Date''' ||771/07/27 || || '''Supervisior''' ||雪梨膏 || || '''Category''' ||bold || ||<-2>【雪梨膏看着带着炖汤香气的傻鸽子摇摇摆摆飞进统治局。】 雪梨膏:好香…想喝炖汤了……等下我是不是忘了要救谁来着? || == 豆羹 == || '''Date''' ||771/07/27 || || '''Supervisior''' ||雪梨膏 || || '''Category''' ||bold || ||<-2>豌豆不小心滑入幽蓝后被打捞起来的破碎数据态,被成功潜入碎数研的雪梨膏装在碗里含泪带回了统治局总部。 雪梨膏:豌豆你看,这是你最喜欢的那个碗,但是这碗好重啊…(手滑) || == Resignation Letter == || '''Date''' ||771/07/28 || || '''Supervisior''' ||豌豆 || || '''Category''' ||main || ||<-2>豌豆:领导,我干不下去了,我不适合这份工作!【绿着脸】 小贝:你哪位?啊,豆啊!几天不见怎么皱了? 豌豆:还不是上次的卧底任务!我被碎数研那帮人害惨了啊!我不干了,我要辞职! 小贝:昂。我批准了,回家找妈妈吧。 豌豆:(张大嘴)都不挽留一下的吗? 小贝:你走,我不留你。(拍拍手)来人,送客! 【豌豆被几个前同事抬着,载歌载舞被丢出了统治局。】 ||