[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024/정규 시즌)] [include(틀:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024 경기 일정)] [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == [[League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024]]의 정규 시즌 2주차 경기 내용을 기록한 문서. 모든 날짜는 [[독일]] 현지 시간을 기준으로 하며 모든 경기는 Bo1로 진행된다. [include(틀:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024 정규시즌 순위표)] == 1일차 == [include(틀:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024 정규시즌 2주 1일차)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 16경기 SK vs BDS === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 16경기'''}}}}}} || || [[SK Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''SK Gaming'''}}}]] || || || [[Team BDS/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Team BDS'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 16경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 16경기, year=2024, month=03, day=16 , bteam=SK, bresult=WIN, rteam=BDS, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=SK Gaming, redteam=Team BDS , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240316_SK vs BDS.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 17경기 GX vs FNC === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 17경기'''}}}}}} || || [[GIANTX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''GIANTX'''}}}]] || || || [[Fnatic/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Fnatic'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 17경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 17경기, year=2024, month=03, day=16 , bteam=GX, bresult=WIN, rteam=FNC, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=GIANTX, redteam=Fnatic , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240316_GX vs FNC.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 18경기 G2 vs TH === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 18경기'''}}}}}} || || [[G2 Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''G2 Esports'''}}}]] || || || [[Team Heretics/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Heretics'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 18경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 18경기, year=2024, month=03, day=16 , bteam=G2, bresult=WIN, rteam=TH, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=G2 Esports, redteam=Team Heretics , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240316_G2 vs TH.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 19경기 MDK vs VIT === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 19경기'''}}}}}} || || [[MAD Lions KOI|{{{#white '''MAD Lions KOI'''}}}]] || || || [[Team Vitality/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Vitality'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 19경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 19경기, year=2024, month=03, day=16 , bteam=MDK, bresult=WIN, rteam=VIT, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=MAD Lions KOI, redteam=Team Vitality , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240316_MDK vs VIT.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 20경기 KC vs RGE === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 20경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Karmine Corp/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Karmine Corp'''}}}]] || || || [[Rogue/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#01b9fc '''Rogue'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 20경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 20경기, year=2024, month=03, day=16 , bteam=KC, bresult=WIN, rteam=RGE, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Karmine Corp, redteam=Rogue , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240316_KC vs RGE.png|width=100%]]}}} || == 2일차 == [include(틀:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024 정규시즌 2주 2일차)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 21경기 GX vs BDS === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 21경기'''}}}}}} || || [[GIANTX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''GIANTX'''}}}]] || || || [[Team BDS/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Team BDS'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 21경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 21경기, year=2024, month=03, day=17 , bteam=GX, bresult=WIN, rteam=BDS, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=GIANTX, redteam=Team BDS , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240317_GX vs BDS.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 22경기 RGE vs VIT === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 22경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Rogue/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#01b9fc '''Rogue'''}}}]] || || || [[Team Vitality/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Vitality'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 22경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 22경기, year=2024, month=03, day=17 , bteam=RGE, bresult=WIN, rteam=VIT, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Rogue, redteam=Team Vitality , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240317_RGE vs VIT.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 23경기 MDK vs KC === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #ff5118, #ff5118, #ff5118)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 23경기'''}}}}}} || || [[MAD Lions KOI|{{{#white '''MAD Lions KOI'''}}}]] || || || [[Karmine Corp/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Karmine Corp'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #ff5118, #ff5118, #ff5118)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 23경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(주황) , match=정규시즌 23경기, year=2024, month=03, day=17 , bteam=MDK, bresult=WIN, rteam=KC, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=MAD Lions KOI, redteam=Karmine Corp , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240317_MDK vs KC.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 24경기 TH vs SK === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 24경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Team Heretics/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Heretics'''}}}]] || || || [[SK Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''SK Gaming'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 24경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 24경기, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=TH, bresult=WIN, rteam=SK, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Team Heretics, redteam=SK Gaming , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240317_TH vs SK.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 25경기 FNC vs G2 === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 25경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Fnatic/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Fnatic'''}}}]] || || || [[G2 Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''G2 Esports'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 25경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 25경기, year=2024, month=03, day=17 , bteam=FNC, bresult=WIN, rteam=G2, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Fnatic, redteam=G2 Esports , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240317_FNC vs G2.png|width=100%]]}}} || == 3일차 == [include(틀:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024 정규시즌 2주 3일차)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 26경기 BDS vs TH === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 26경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Team BDS/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Team BDS'''}}}]] || || || [[Team Heretics/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Heretics'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 26경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 26경기, year=2024, month=03, day=18 , bteam=BDS, bresult=WIN, rteam=TH, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Team BDS, redteam=Team Heretics , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240318_BDS vs TH.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 27경기 VIT vs FNC === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 27경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Team Vitality/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''Team Vitality'''}}}]] || || || [[Fnatic/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Fnatic'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 27경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 27경기, year=2024, month=03, day=18 , bteam=VIT, bresult=WIN, rteam=FNC, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Team Vitality, redteam=Fnatic , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240318_VIT vs FNC.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 28경기 G2 vs GX === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 28경기'''}}}}}} || || [[G2 Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''G2 Esports'''}}}]] || || || [[GIANTX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#black '''GIANTX'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 28경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 28경기, year=2024, month=03, day=18 , bteam=G2, bresult=WIN, rteam=GX, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=G2 Esports, redteam=GIANTX , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240318_G2 vs GX.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 29경기 RGE vs MDK === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 29경기'''}}}}}} || || [[Rogue/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#01b9fc '''Rogue'''}}}]] || || || [[MAD Lions KOI|{{{#white '''MAD Lions KOI'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 29경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 29경기, year=2024, month=03, day=18 , bteam=RGE, bresult=WIN, rteam=MDK, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Rogue, redteam=MAD Lions KOI , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240318_RGE vs MDK.png|width=100%]]}}} || === 30경기 SK vs KC === ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] {{{#black '''정규 시즌 30경기'''}}}}}} || || [[SK Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''SK Gaming'''}}}]] || || || [[Karmine Corp/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Karmine Corp'''}}}]] || || ||<-2> {{{#black '''결과'''}}} || || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; padding: 5px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #7e5dfd, #3c3, #3c3, #3c3)" {{{#black [[League of Legends EMEA Championship|[[파일:lec 심볼.svg|height=25]]]] '''정규시즌 30경기 Player of the Game'''}}}}}} || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LEC(초록) , match=정규시즌 30경기, year=2024, month=03, day=18 , bteam=SK, bresult=WIN, rteam=KC, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=SK Gaming, redteam=Karmine Corp , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240318_SK vs KC.png|width=100%]]}}} || [[분류:League of Legends EMEA Championship Spring 2024|정규 2주차]]