[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=2024 LoL Pro League Spring)] [include(틀:2024 LoL Pro League Spring 정규시즌 경기 일람)] [목차] == 개요 == [[2024 LoL Pro League Spring]] 6주차, 3월 4일부터 3월 10일까지의 경기를 기록한 문서이다. [include(틀:2024 LoL Pro League Spring 정규시즌 순위표)] == 대회 정보 == ||<|2> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]][br]{{{#white '''6주차'''}}} || {{{#white '''패치 버전'''}}} || {{{+3 [[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/ko-kr/news/game-updates/patch-14-3-notes|{{{#373a3c,#ddd '''14.3'''}}}]]}}} || || {{{#white '''글로벌 밴'''}}} || [[스몰더|[[파일:smolder_portrait.png|width=20%]]]][br][[스몰더|{{{+1 '''스몰더'''}}}]] || == 80경기 LGD vs TES == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 80경기[br](2024. 03. 04.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[LGD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''LGD Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#black '''Top Esports'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 80경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240304_LGD vs TES.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 81경기 WE vs BLG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 81경기[br](2024. 03. 04.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Team WE'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#white '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 81경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=04 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240304_WE vs BLG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 82경기 EDG vs IG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 82경기[br](2024. 03. 05.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Edward Gaming Hycan|{{{#efeeec '''Edward Gaming[br]Hycan'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Invictus Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Invictus Gaming'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 82경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240305_EDG vs IG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 83경기 RNG vs TT == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 83경기[br](2024. 03. 05.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Royal Never Give Up/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Royal Never[br]Give Up'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Thunder Talk Gaming|{{{#white '''Thunder Talk[br]Gaming'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 83경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=05 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240305_RNG vs TT.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 84경기 AL vs RA == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 84경기[br](2024. 03. 07.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Anyone's Legend|{{{#white '''Anyone's Legend'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Rare Atom'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 84경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240307_AL vs RA.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 85경기 JDG vs UP == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 85경기[br](2024. 03. 07.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[JDG Intel Esports Club/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#c8102e '''JDG Intel[br]Esports Club'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Ultra Prime|{{{#4ee6e5 '''Ultra Prime'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 85경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240307_JDG vs UP.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 86경기 WBG vs NIP == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 86경기[br](2024. 03. 07.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Weibo Gaming Faw Audi|{{{#white '''Weibo Gaming[br]Faw Audi'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Ninjas in Pyjamas/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#d8ff00 '''Ninjas in Pyjamas'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 86경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=07 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240307_WBG vs NIP.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 87경기 LGD vs LNG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 87경기[br](2024. 03. 08.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[LGD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''LGD Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[LNG Ninebot Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fd0254 '''LNG Ninebot[br]Esports'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 87경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240308_LGD vs LNG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 88경기 FPX vs BLG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 88경기[br](2024. 03. 08.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[FPX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fa0f00 '''FunPlus Phoenix'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#white '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 88경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240308_FPX vs BLG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 89경기 TES vs OMG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 89경기[br](2024. 03. 08.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#black '''Top Esports'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[OMG(프로게임단)/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Oh My God'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 87경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=08 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240308_TES vs OMG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 90경기 AL vs IG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 90경기[br](2024. 03. 09.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Anyone's Legend|{{{#white '''Anyone's Legend'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Invictus Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Invictus Gaming'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 90경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240309_AL vs IG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 91경기 TT vs EDG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 91경기[br](2024. 03. 09.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Thunder Talk Gaming|{{{#white '''Thunder Talk[br]Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Edward Gaming Hycan|{{{#efeeec '''Edward Gaming[br]Hycan'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 91경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240309_TT vs EDG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 92경기 JDG vs RNG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 92경기[br](2024. 03. 09.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[JDG Intel Esports Club/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#c8102e '''JDG Intel[br]Esports Club'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Royal Never Give Up/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Royal Never[br]Give Up'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 92경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=09 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240309_JDG vs RNG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 93경기 BLG vs RA == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 93경기[br](2024. 03. 10.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#white '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Rare Atom'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 93경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240310_BLG vs RA.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 94경기 UP vs TES == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 94경기[br](2024. 03. 10.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Ultra Prime|{{{#4ee6e5 '''Ultra Prime'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#black '''Top Esports'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 94경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240310_UP vs TES.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 95경기 WE vs WBG == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 95경기[br](2024. 03. 10.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#white '''Team WE'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Weibo Gaming Faw Audi|{{{#white '''Weibo Gaming[br]Faw Audi'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 95경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || [[미정|'''미정''']][br]'''(ID)''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 95경기 1세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 95경기 2세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 95경기 3세트, year=2024, month=03, day=10 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20240310_WE vs WBG.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || == 6주차 총평 == [[분류:2024 LoL Pro League Spring|정규 6주차]]