[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=2023 LoL Pro League Summer)] [include(틀:2023 LoL Pro League Summer 정규시즌 경기 일람)] [목차] == 개요 == [[2023 LoL Pro League Summer]] 5주차, 6월 26일부터 7월 2일까지의 경기를 기록한 문서이다. [include(틀:2023 LoL Pro League Summer 정규시즌 순위표)] == 대회 정보 == ||<|2> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]][br]{{{#fff '''5주차'''}}} || {{{#white '''패치 버전'''}}} || {{{+3 [[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/ko-kr/news/game-updates/patch-13-12-notes|{{{#373a3c,#ddd '''13.12'''}}}]]}}} || || {{{#white '''글로벌 밴'''}}} || {{{+1 '''-'''}}} || == 75경기 OMG 2 : 1 LGD == ||<-8> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 75경기[br](2023. 06. 26.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[OMG(프로게임단)/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Oh My God'''}}}]] ||<|2> '''2''' ||<|2> 1 ||<-3> [[LGD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''LGD Gaming'''}}}]] || || ○ || × || ○ || × || ○ || × || ||<-3> '''6승 2패''' ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> 1승 9패 || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 75경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || '''[[다이즈춘]][br](Able)''' || '''[[장하이차오]][br](haichao)''' || '''[[덩즈지안]][br](shanji)''' || WE전을 승리하면서 점점 미라클 런 당시 기억을 되찾아가며 완전체가 되어가고 있는 OMG와 AL을 상대로 기나긴 연패는 끊었지만 FPX에게 패배하며 다시 17위라는 원점으로 되돌아온 LGD의 매치. OMG의 경기가 이긴 5경기 중 4경기나 2:1로 이긴, 소위 꾸역승이 많긴 하지만 그 명단에는 웨이보, RNG, WE 등 플레이오프권 내의 위협적인 팀을 상대로 승리를 거둔 경기가 많았던 것을 고려하면 아무래도 OMG의 승리가 점쳐진다. 다만 최근래 들어 연패 팀들의 연패가 끊어지기도 했고, 하위권팀들의 대형 업셋도 종종 나오고 있는 분위기인지라 OMG 역시 방심은 금물이며, LGD도 가능성이 없진 않다고 봐야 한다. === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 75경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=26 , bteam=OMG, bresult=WIN, rteam=LGD, rresult=LOSS, time=24:51 , bkill=20, bdeath=9, bassist=39, rkill=9, rdeath=20, rassist=21 , bgold=53.6, rgold=41.4)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Oh My God, redteam=LGD Gaming , d_blueban1=킨드레드, d_blueban2=바루스, d_blueban3=아이번, d_blueban4=루시안(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban5=아펠리오스 , p_blueban1=kindred, p_blueban2=varus, p_blueban3=ivern, p_blueban4=lucian, p_blueban5=aphelios , d_redban1=바이(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban2=럼블(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban3=니코(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban4=뽀삐(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban5=비에고 , p_redban1=vi, p_redban2=rumble, p_redban3=neeko, p_redban4=poppy, p_redban5=viego , d_bluepic1=크산테, d_bluepic2=오공(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic3=르블랑(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic4=트리스타나, d_bluepic5=블리츠크랭크 , p_bluepic1=ksante, p_bluepic2=wukong, p_bluepic3=leblanc, p_bluepic4=tristana, p_bluepic5=blitzcrank , d_redpic1=레넥톤, d_redpic2=마오카이, d_redpic3=제이스(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic4=시비르, d_redpic5=밀리오 , p_redpic1=renekton, p_redpic2=maokai, p_redpic3=jayce, p_redpic4=sivir, p_redpic5=milio)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=Infernal, bluedragon2=Hextech , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=Cloud, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 75경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=26 , bteam=LGD, bresult=WIN, rteam=OMG, rresult=LOSS, time=32:07 , bkill=18, bdeath=13, bassist=47, rkill=13, rdeath=18, rassist=26 , bgold=63.7, rgold=55.3)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=LGD Gaming, redteam=Oh My God , d_blueban1=바이(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban2=밀리오, d_blueban3=르블랑(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban4=아칼리, d_blueban5=아리(리그 오브 레전드) , p_blueban1=vi, p_blueban2=milio, p_blueban3=leblanc, p_blueban4=akali, p_blueban5=ahri , d_redban1=아이번, d_redban2=킨드레드, d_redban3=니코(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban4=사미라, d_redban5=바루스 , p_redban1=ivern, p_redban2=kindred, p_redban3=neeko, p_redban4=samira, p_redban5=varus , d_bluepic1=레넥톤, d_bluepic2=마오카이, d_bluepic3=트리스타나, d_bluepic4=아펠리오스, d_bluepic5=노틸러스(리그 오브 레전드) , p_bluepic1=renekton, p_bluepic2=maokai, p_bluepic3=tristana, p_bluepic4=aphelios, p_bluepic5=nautilus , d_redpic1=크산테, d_redpic2=오공(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic3=애니(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic4=카이사, d_redpic5=라칸(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redpic1=ksante, p_redpic2=wukong, p_redpic3=annie, p_redpic4=kaisa, p_redpic5=rakan)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=Ocean, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=Hextech, reddragon2=Infernal , reddragon3=Infernal, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 75경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=26 , bteam=OMG, bresult=WIN, rteam=LGD, rresult=LOSS, time=27:35 , bkill=15, bdeath=6, bassist=27, rkill=5, rdeath=15, rassist=12 , bgold=51.4, rgold=43.1)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Oh My God, redteam=LGD Gaming , d_blueban1=마오카이, d_blueban2=레넥톤, d_blueban3=자야(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban4=카이사, d_blueban5=피오라(리그 오브 레전드) , p_blueban1=maokai, p_blueban2=renekton, p_blueban3=xayah, p_blueban4=kaisa, p_blueban5=fiora , d_redban1=트리스타나, d_redban2=르블랑(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban3=바이(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban4=오공(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban5=뽀삐(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redban1=tristana, p_redban2=leblanc, p_redban3=vi, p_redban4=wukong, p_redban5=poppy , d_bluepic1=크산테, d_bluepic2=킨드레드, d_bluepic3=니코(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic4=아펠리오스, d_bluepic5=밀리오 , p_bluepic1=ksante, p_bluepic2=kindred, p_bluepic3=neeko, p_bluepic4=aphelios, p_bluepic5=milio , d_redpic1=나르(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic2=아이번, d_redpic3=제이스(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic4=바루스, d_redpic5=노틸러스(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redpic1=gnar, p_redpic2=ivern, p_redpic3=jayce, p_redpic4=varus, p_redpic5=nautilus)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=Ocean, bluedragon2=Infernal , bluedragon3=Hextech, bluesoul= , reddragon1=Hextech, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || ||<-2>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] [[2023 LoL Pro League Summer|{{{#fff '''2023 LoL Pro League Summer'''}}}]] || || [[아이번|[[파일:ivern_portrait.png|width=100%]]]] || {{{+2 [[정글(리그 오브 레전드)|'''정글''']] '''[[아이번]]''' {{{#red '''1,977일'''}}} 만에 등장}}} 지난 경기: [[Tencent LoL Pro League 2018 Spring#s-3|2018. 01. 26. 스프링 2주차]][br]BLG Sks(양다이즈) || === 총평 === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:20230626_OMG vs LGD.png|width=100%]]}}} || == 76경기 TES 0 : 2 WE == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 76경기[br](2023. 06. 26.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#000 '''Top Esports'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> '''2''' ||<-3> [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Team WE'''}}}]] || || × || × || - || ○ || ○ || - || ||<-3> 7승 3패 ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> '''5승 2패''' || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 76경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || || '''[[츠이샤오준]][br](Shanks)''' || '''양츠이헝[br](Heng)''' || 징동전에서 완패하며 플레이오프 4라운드 진출에 비상이 걸린 테스와 OMG전 패배에 이어 TT에게도 업셋을 헌납하며 시즌 초 완승을 거두던 팀의 기세가 완전히 꺾인 WE의 매치. 두 팀 모두 패배로 인해 기세가 꺾였다는 사실은 같으나, 테스는 LNG와 징동에게만 졌을 뿐 웨이보나 RNG를 포함한 그 외의 팀들에게는 패배하지 않았기에 상대적으로 테스의 우세가 점쳐진다. 특히 WE 입장에서 지난 TT전은 졌던 두 세트는 말 할 것도 없고 이긴 한 세트마저 졸전 끝에 가까스로 이겼기에 더더욱 테스의 승리가 여겨지는 만큼, WE가 본인들만의 무기를 들고 나와서 업셋을 노려야 가능성이 보일 것이다. === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 76경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=26 , bteam=TES, bresult=LOSS, rteam=WE, rresult=WIN, time=35:06 , bkill=7, bdeath=19, bassist=21, rkill=19, rdeath=7, rassist=51 , bgold=58.0, rgold=69.5)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Top Esports, redteam=Team WE ,d_blueban1=카이사, d_blueban2=징크스(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban3=제이스(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban4=트리스타나, d_blueban5=레넥톤 , p_blueban1=kaisa, p_blueban2=jinx, p_blueban3=jayce, p_blueban4=tristana, p_blueban5=renekton , d_redban1=니코(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban2=르블랑(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban3=바이(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban4=오공(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban5=그웬(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redban1=neeko, p_redban2=leblanc, p_redban3=vi, p_redban4=wukong, p_redban5=gwen , d_bluepic1=오른, d_bluepic2=카직스, d_bluepic3=아리(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic4=아펠리오스, d_bluepic5=밀리오 , p_bluepic1=ornn, p_bluepic2=khazix, p_bluepic3=ahri, p_bluepic4=aphelios, p_bluepic5=milio , d_redpic1=크산테, d_redpic2=뽀삐(리그 오브 레전드), d_redpic3=아지르, d_redpic4=바루스, d_redpic5=블리츠크랭크 , p_redpic1=ksante, p_redpic2=poppy, p_redpic3=azir, p_redpic4=varus, p_redpic5=blitzcrank)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=Mountain, reddragon2=Infernal , reddragon3=Ocean, redsoul=Ocean)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 76경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=26 , bteam=TES, bresult=LOSS, rteam=WE, rresult=WIN, time=32:31 , bkill=2, bdeath=10, bassist=4, rkill=10, rdeath=2, rassist=23 , bgold=55.9, rgold=56.8)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=Top Esports, redteam=Team WE , d_blueban1=레넥톤, d_blueban2=트리스타나, d_blueban3=제이스(리그 오브 레전드), d_blueban4=밀리오, d_blueban5=카이사 , p_blueban1=renekton, p_blueban2=tristana, p_blueban3=jayce, p_blueban4=milio, p_blueban5=kaisa , d_redban1=오공(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban2=그웬(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban3=바이(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban4=르블랑(리그 오브 레전드), d_redban5=니코(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redban1=wukong, p_redban2=gwen, p_redban3=vi, p_redban4=leblanc, p_redban5=neeko , d_bluepic1=나르(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic2=세주아니, d_bluepic3=아리(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic4=자야(리그 오브 레전드), d_bluepic5=라칸(리그 오브 레전드) , p_bluepic1=gnar, p_bluepic2=sejuani, p_bluepic3=ahri, p_bluepic4=xayah, p_bluepic5=rakan , d_redpic1=크산테, d_redpic2=뽀삐(리그 오브 레전드) d_redpic3=아지르, d_redpic4=아펠리오스, d_redpic5=잔나(리그 오브 레전드) , p_redpic1=ksante, p_redpic2=poppy, p_redpic3=azir, p_redpic4=aphelios, p_redpic5=janna)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=Mountain, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=Hextech, reddragon2=Ocean , reddragon3=Mountain, redsoul=)] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube()]}}} || ||<-4> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#fff '''LPL Record Standing'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:샹크스 200전.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || || [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|[[파일:600px-Team_WElogo_square.png|width=50px]]]] || [[파일:롤아이콘-포지션-미드-White.svg|width=50px]] || ||<-2> {{{+1 '''Shanks [[츠이샤오준]]'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{+1 '''LPL 통산 {{{#red 200전}}} 출전'''}}} || === 총평 === || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:20230626_TES vs WE.png|width=100%]]}}} || WE가 테스를 셧다운 시켜버리며 본인들의 저력이 아직 끝나지 않았음을 증명한다. == 77경기 JDG vs NIP == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 77경기[br](2023. 06. 27.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[JDG Intel Esports Club/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#c8102e '''JDG Intel[br]Esports Club'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Ninjas in Pyjamas/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#d8ff00 '''Ninjas in Pyjamas'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 77경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 77경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 77경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 77경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230627_JDG vs NIP.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## JDG #c8102e / NIP #d8ff00 == 78경기 WBG vs FPX == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 78경기[br](2023. 06. 27.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Weibo Gaming FAW Audi|{{{#fff '''Weibo Gaming[br]FAW Audi'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[FPX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fa0f00 '''FunPlus Phoenix'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 78경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 78경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 78경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 78경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230627_WBG vs FPX.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## WBG #dc0e27 / FPX #fa0f00 == 79경기 BLG vs IG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 79경기[br](2023. 06. 27.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#fff '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Invictus Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Invictus Gaming'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 79경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || 성적이야 비교가 안 되지만 IG가 LNG를 잡는 업셋을 일으켜 편하지는 않다. BLG 입장에서 승리는 물론 득실 관리를 위해 무조건 2:0으로 잡아야 할 경기. === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 79경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 79경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 79경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=27 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230627_BLG vs IG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## BLG #37d0f5 / IG #000 == 80경기 EDG vs UP == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 80경기[br](2023. 06. 28.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Edward Gaming Hycan|{{{#efeeec '''Edward Gaming[br]Hycan'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Ultra Prime|{{{#4ee6e5 '''Ultra Prime'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 80경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 80경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230628_EDG vs UP.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## EDG #221814 / UP #212021 == 81경기 AL vs RNG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 81경기[br](2023. 06. 28.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Anyone's Legend|{{{#fff '''Anyone's Legend'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Royal Never Give Up/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Royal Never Give Up'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 81경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 81경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230628_AL vs RNG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## AL #231815 / RNG #b4936a == 82경기 RA vs TT == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 82경기[br](2023. 06. 28.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Rare Atom'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Thunder Talk Gaming|{{{#fff '''Thunder Talk[br]Gaming'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 82경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 82경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=28 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230628_RA vs TT.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## RA #b04ec4 / TT #216ce2 == 83경기 LGD vs BLG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 83경기[br](2023. 06. 29.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[LGD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''LGD Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#fff '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 83경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 83경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230629_LGD vs BLG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## LGD #0a3091 / BLG #37d0f5 == 84경기 OMG vs FPX == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 84경기[br](2023. 06. 29.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[OMG(프로게임단)/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Oh My God'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[FPX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fa0f00 '''FunPlus Phoenix'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 84경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 84경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230629_OMG vs FPX.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## OMG #f1a44d / FPX #fa0f00 == 85경기 LNG vs WE == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 85경기[br](2023. 06. 29.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[LNG Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fd0254 '''LNG Esports'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Team WE'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 85경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 85경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=29 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230629_LNG vs WE.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## LNG #008ffd / WE #de1c27 == 86경기 AL vs RA == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 86경기[br](2023. 06. 30.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Anyone's Legend|{{{#fff '''Anyone's Legend'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Rare Atom'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 86경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 86경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230630_AL vs RA.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## AL #231815 / RA #b04ec4 == 87경기 IG vs TES == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 87경기[br](2023. 06. 30.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Invictus Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Invictus Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#000 '''Top Esports'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 87경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 87경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230630_IG vs TES.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## IG #000 / TES #ff3e24 == 88경기 NIP vs WBG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 88경기[br](2023. 06. 30.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Ninjas in Pyjamas/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#d8ff00 '''Ninjas in Pyjamas'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Weibo Gaming FAW Audi|{{{#fff '''Weibo Gaming[br]FAW Audi'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 88경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 1세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 2세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 88경기 3세트, year=2023, month=06, day=30 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230630_NIP vs WBG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## NIP #d8ff00 / WBG #dc0e27 == 89경기 TT vs RNG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 89경기[br](2023. 07. 01.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Thunder Talk Gaming|{{{#fff '''Thunder Talk[br]Gaming'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Royal Never Give Up/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Royal Never Give Up'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 89경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 89경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230701_TT vs RNG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## TT #216ce2 / RNG #b4936a == 90경기 JDG vs UP == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 90경기[br](2023. 07. 01.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[JDG Intel Esports Club/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#c8102e '''JDG Intel[br]Esports Club'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Ultra Prime|{{{#4ee6e5 '''Ultra Prime'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 90경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 90경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230701_JDG vs UP.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## JDG #c8102e / UP #212021 == 91경기 EDG vs WE == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 91경기[br](2023. 07. 01.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Edward Gaming Hycan|{{{#efeeec '''Edward Gaming[br]Hycan'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Team WE'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 91경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 91경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=01 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230701_EDG vs WE.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## EDG #221814 / WE #de1c27 == 92경기 FPX vs BLG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 92경기[br](2023. 07. 02.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[FPX/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fa0f00 '''FunPlus Phoenix'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank|{{{#fff '''Bilibili Gaming[br]Pingan Bank'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 92경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 92경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230702_FPX vs BLG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## FPX #fa0f00 / BLG #37d0f5 == 93경기 RA vs TES == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 93경기[br](2023. 07. 02.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Rare Atom'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[Top Esports|{{{#000 '''Top Esports'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 93경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 93경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230702_RA vs TES.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## RA #b04ec4 / TES #ff3e24 == 94경기 LNG vs OMG == ||<-8>
[[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 94경기[br](2023. 07. 02.)'''}}} || ||<-3> [[LNG Esports/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fd0254 '''LNG Esports'''}}}]] ||<|2> 0 ||<|2> 0 ||<-3> [[OMG(프로게임단)/리그 오브 레전드|{{{#fff '''Oh My God'''}}}]] || || || || || || || || ||<-3> ||<-2> {{{#white '''결과'''}}} ||<-3> || ||<-3> [[League of Legends Pro League|[[파일:LPL_2020_white_notext.png|width=30]]]] {{{#white '''정규시즌 94경기 Player of the Game'''}}} || || 1세트 || 2세트 || 3세트 || || || || || '''5주차 Match of the Week''' === 1세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 1세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 2세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 2세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 3세트 === [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 결과/LPL , match=정규시즌 94경기 3세트, year=2023, month=07, day=02 , bteam=BLUE, bresult=WIN, rteam=RED, rresult=LOSS, time=00:00 , bkill=0, bdeath=0, bassist=0, rkill=0, rdeath=0, rassist=0 , bgold=00.0, rgold=00.0)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/10밴픽 , blueteam=BLUE, redteam=RED , d_blueban1=, d_blueban2=, d_blueban3=, d_blueban4=, d_blueban5= , p_blueban1=, p_blueban2=, p_blueban3=, p_blueban4=, p_blueban5= , d_redban1=, d_redban2=, d_redban3=, d_redban4=, d_redban5= , p_redban1=, p_redban2=, p_redban3=, p_redban4=, p_redban5= , d_bluepic1=, d_bluepic2=, d_bluepic3=, d_bluepic4=, d_bluepic5= , p_bluepic1=, p_bluepic2=, p_bluepic3=, p_bluepic4=, p_bluepic5= , d_redpic1=, d_redpic2=, d_redpic3=, d_redpic4=, d_redpic5= , p_redpic1=, p_redpic2=, p_redpic3=, p_redpic4=, p_redpic5=)] [include(틀:리그 오브 레전드/경기 드래곤 , bluedragon1=, bluedragon2= , bluedragon3=, bluesoul= , reddragon1=, reddragon2= , reddragon3=, redsoul=)] === 총평 === ##|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" ##[[파일:20230702_LNG vs OMG.png|width=100%]]}}} || ## LNG #008ffd / OMG #f1a44d == 5주차 총평 == * [[JDG Intel Esports Club/리그 오브 레전드|'''JDG Intel Esports Club''']] '''-위 / 8승 1패 / +11''' '''다음 주 대진 : FPX - IG''' * '''[[Bilibili Gaming Pingan Bank]]''' '''-위 / 8승 1패 / +10''' '''다음 주 대진 : TES - NIP''' * '''[[Top Esports]]''' '''-위 / 7승 2패 / +7''' '''다음 주 대진 : BLG - OMG''' * [[LNG Esports/리그 오브 레전드|'''LNG Esports''']] '''-위 / 6승 4패 / +3''' '''다음 주 대진 : AL''' * [[OMG(프로게임단)/리그 오브 레전드|'''Oh My God''']] '''-위 / 5승 2패 / +2''' '''다음 주 대진 : UP - TES - TT''' * '''[[Weibo Gaming FAW Audi]]''' '''-위 / 5승 3패 / +6''' '''다음 주 대진 : WE - UP - AL''' * [[Royal Never Give Up/리그 오브 레전드|'''Royal Never Give Up''']] '''-위 / 5승 4패 / +4''' '''다음 주 대진 : NIP - WE''' * [[Ninjas in Pyjamas/리그 오브 레전드|'''Ninjas in Pyjamas''']] '''-위 / 5승 4패 / +1''' '''다음 주 대진 : RNG - BLG''' * [[Team WE/리그 오브 레전드|'''Team WE''']] '''-위 / 4승 2패 / +6''' '''다음 주 대진 : LGD - WBG - RA - RNG''' * '''[[Edward Gaming Hycan]]''' '''-위 / 4승 5패 / -2''' '''다음 주 대진 : TT - LGD - FPX''' * '''[[Ultra Prime]]''' '''-위 / 4승 5패 / -5''' '''다음 주 대진 : OMG - WBG''' * [[Rare Atom/리그 오브 레전드|'''Rare Atom''']] '''-위 / 3승 6패 / -3''' '''다음 주 대진 : WE''' * [[FPX/리그 오브 레전드|'''FunPlus Phoenix''']] '''-위 / 3승 6패 / -4''' '''다음 주 대진 : JDG - EDG''' * '''[[Thunder Talk Gaming]]''' '''-위 / 2승 7패 / -8''' '''다음 주 대진 : EDG - IG - OMG''' * '''[[Anyone's Legend]]''' '''-위 / 2승 7패 / -9''' '''다음 주 대진 : IG - LNG - WBG''' * [[Invictus Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|'''Invictus Gaming''']] '''-위 / 2승 7패 / -9''' '''다음 주 대진 : AL - TT - JDG''' * [[LGD Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|'''LGD Gaming''']] '''-위 / 1승 8패 / -10''' '''다음 주 대진 : WE - EDG''' [[분류:2023 LoL Pro League Summer]]