[[분류:둘러보기 틀/음악]] ||<#51539b> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px; display: inline-table" || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px 0;" [[Velocity : Design : Comfort|[[파일:스윗트립2집.jpg|height=80px]]]]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px 0;" '''{{{+1 [[Velocity : Design : Comfort|{{{#4baccd V}}}{{{#5d88b5 e}}}{{{#a8d0da l}}}{{{#e4db66 o}}}{{{#dd9752 c}}}{{{#e7c598 i}}}{{{#e9d9bf t}}}{{{#5ab75e y}}} {{{#c9dbc1 :}}} {{{#78bf79 D}}}{{{#acd2a3 e}}}{{{#ebedc8 s}}}{{{#e8ea89 i}}}{{{#e6d966 g}}}{{{#e58fb6 n}}} {{{#e9dbd8 :}}} {{{#e52686 C}}}{{{#afd1da o}}}{{{#5cb5d3 m}}}{{{#7dc0da f}}}{{{#dc353d o}}}{{{#e19482 r}}}{{{#dd5d50 t}}}]]}}}[br]{{{#fff Track listing}}}'''}}} ||}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" || '''#''' || '''곡명''' || '''러닝타임''' || || 1 || Tekka || 3:09 || || 2 || Dsco || 3:11 || || 3 || Velocity || 8:36 || || 4 || Fruitcake and Cookies || 7:58 || || 5 || Sept || 8:26 || || 6 || Pro : Lov : Ad || 5:46 || || 7 || Design : 1 || 3:32 || || 8 || International || 10:22 || || 9 || Dedicated || 5:50 || || 10 || Chocolate Matter || 4:03 || || 11 || To All the Dancers of the World,[br] a Round Form of Fantasy || 6:18 || || 12 || Design : 2 : 3 || 6:30 || }}}}}}}}} ||