{{{#!wiki style="margin: 5px 10px -10px;" [br][[Tears of Today|{{{+5 '''[[파일:Tears of Today Logo.png]]'''}}}]][br]{{{#000 Discography}}}}}}[br]{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; padding: 4px 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent 45%, #000 45%, #000 55%, transparent 55%); width: 90%;" }}}{{{#!wiki style="margin:0 0.5%; display:inline-block; color: #000; min-width: 30%" {{{#!folding [ 솔로 음반 ] ||
<:> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Tears of Today#정규 1집《Trapped in her eyes》|[[파일:Tears of Today Real 1st Album - Trapped in her eyes.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||<:> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Tears of Today#정규 2집《FEELINGANIA》|[[파일:feelingania.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||<:> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Tears of Today#미니 1집《croire》|[[파일:Tears of Today 1st Album - croire.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||<:> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Tears of Today#정규 3집《Inhospitable manners》|[[파일:Tears of Today Second Album - Inhospitable manners.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}|| ||<:>[[Tears of Today#정규 1집《Trapped in her eyes》|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.865em; color: #FFF;" '''Trapped in her eyes'''}}}]][br]{{{-3 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff '''정규 1집'''}}}}}}}}} {{{-3 {{{#000 (2010/12/31)}}}}}}||<:>[[Tears of Today#정규 2집《FEELINGANIA》|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.865em; color: #FFF;" '''FEELINGANIA'''}}}]][br]{{{-3 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff '''정규 2집'''}}}}}}}}} {{{-3 {{{#000 (2011/08/13)}}}}}}||<:>[[Tears of Today#미니 1집《croire》|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.865em; color: #FFF;" '''croire'''}}}]][br]{{{-3 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff '''미니 1집'''}}}}}}}}} {{{-3 {{{#000 (2011/11/15)}}}}}}||<:>[[Tears of Today#정규 3집《Inhospitable manners》|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.865em; color: #FFF;" '''Inhospitable manners'''}}}]][br]{{{-3 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff '''정규 3집'''}}}}}}}}} {{{-3 {{{#000 (2014/12/30)}}}}}}|| ||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Tears of Today#정규 4집《Hollow Ghost》|[[파일:Tears of Today Third Album - Hollow Ghost.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}|| || || || ||<:>[[Tears of Today#정규 4집《Hollow Ghost》|{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background-color: #000; font-size: 0.865em; color: #FFF;" '''Hollow Ghost'''}}}]][br]{{{-3 {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px; background: #555; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff '''정규 4집'''}}}}}}}}} {{{-3 {{{#000 (2016/03/25)}}}}}} || || || || }}}}}} || [[분류:둘러보기 틀/음악]]