[[분류:My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy]][[분류:둘러보기 틀/음악]] || [[My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy|[[파일:YEMBDTF.jpg|width=60]][br]''{{{#ffd03a '''{{{+1 My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy}}}'''}}}'']][br]'''{{{#ffd03a 트랙 리스트}}}''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" || '''#''' || '''곡명''' || '''러닝타임''' || || '''1''' || '''[[Dark Fantasy|{{{#000,#ddd Dark Fantasy}}}]]''' || 4:40 || || '''2''' || '''[[Gorgeous|{{{#000,#ddd Gorgeous}}}]]''' || 5:57 || || '''3''' || '''[[POWER(카니예 웨스트)|{{{#000,#ddd POWER}}}]]''' || 4:52 || || '''4''' || '''[[All Of The Lights (Interlude)|{{{#000,#ddd All Of The Lights (Interlude)}}}]]''' || 1:02 || || '''5''' || '''[[All Of The Lights|{{{#000,#ddd All Of The Lights}}}]]''' || 5:00 || || '''6''' || '''[[Monster(카니예 웨스트)|{{{#000,#ddd Monster}}}]]''' || 6:19 || || '''7''' || '''[[So Appalled|{{{#000,#ddd So Appalled}}}]]''' || 6:38 || || '''8''' || '''[[Devil In A New Dress|{{{#000,#ddd Devil In A New Dress}}}]]''' || 5:52 || || '''9''' || '''[[Runaway(카니예 웨스트)|{{{#000,#ddd Runaway}}}]]''' || 9:08 || || '''10''' || '''[[Hell Of A Life|{{{#000,#ddd Hell Of A Life}}}]]''' || 5:27 || || '''11''' || '''[[Blame Game|{{{#000,#ddd Blame Game}}}]]''' || 7:49 || || '''12''' || '''[[Lost In The World|{{{#000,#ddd Lost In The World}}}]]''' || 4:16 || || '''13''' || '''[[Who Will Survive In America|{{{#000,#ddd Who Will Survive In America}}}]]''' || 1:38 || ||<-5> '''아이튠즈 보너스 트랙''' || || '''14''' || '''[[See Me Now|{{{#000,#ddd See Me Now}}}]]''' || 6:03 || ||<-5><#eb2944> [[카니예 웨스트|[[파일:Kanye West Logo.png|width=100]]]] || }}}}}}}}} ||