|| {{{#!wiki style="margin: -10px -10px;" || [[League of Legends Japan League|[[파일:LJL_2020_white.png|width=60]]]]||{{{-1 [[League of Legends Japan League|{{{#fff '''League of Legends[br]Japan League'''}}}]]}}}[br]{{{+1 [[틀:LJL 역대 Player of the Split|{{{#ffffff '''Player of the Split'''}}}]]}}} || }}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" || [[LJL 2022 Spring Split|{{{#fff 2022 Spring}}}]] || [[LJL 2022 Summer Split|{{{#fff 2022 Summer}}}]] || [[LJL 2023 Spring Split|{{{#fff 2023 Spring}}}]] || [[LJL 2023 Summer Split|{{{#ffffff 2023 Summer}}}]] || [[2024 LJL Spring Split|{{{#fff 2024 Spring}}}]] || ||<-2> [[배호영|Jett[br]배호영]][br],,[[Sengoku Gaming/리그 오브 레전드|SG]] | MID,, || [[강선구|Blank[br]강선구]][br],,[[Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS gaming|SHG]] | JGL,, || [[이가을|Aria[br]이가을]][br],,[[DetonatioN FocusMe/리그 오브 레전드|DFM]] | MID,, || || }}}}}}}}} || [[분류:League of Legends Japan League]][[분류:둘러보기 틀/리그 오브 레전드/LJL]]