<#092B44> [[필 콜린스|[[파일:필 콜린스 로고.png|width=120]]]][br]'''Phil Collins Discography''' || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: 0 -10px -5px; min-height: 26px" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -1px -11px" || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Face Value|[[파일:Face Value.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Hello, I Must Be Going!|[[파일:Hello, I Must Be Going!.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[No Jacket Required|[[파일:no jacket required.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[...But Seriously|[[파일:...But Seriously.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || || [[Face Value|{{{#000,#fff Face Value[br]{{{-2 1981.02.13}}}}}}]] || [[Hello, I Must Be Going!|{{{#000,#fff Hello, I Must Be Going![br]{{{-2 1982.11.05}}}}}}]] || [[No Jacket Required|{{{#000,#fff No Jacket Required[br]{{{-2 1985.01.25}}}}}}]] || [[...But Seriously|{{{#000,#fff ...But Seriously[br]{{{-2 1989.11.20}}}}}}]] || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Both Sides|[[파일:Both Sides.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Dance into the Light|[[파일:Dance into the Light.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Testify|[[파일:Testify.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[Going Back|[[파일:Going Back.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}} || || [[Both Sides|{{{#000,#fff Both Sides[br]{{{-2 1993.11.08}}}}}}]] || [[Dance into the Light|{{{#000,#fff Dance into the Light[br]{{{-2 1996.10.21}}}}}}]] || [[Testify|{{{#000,#fff Testify[br]{{{-2 2002.11.11}}}}}}]] || [[Going Back|{{{#000,#fff Going Back[br]{{{-2 2010.09.13}}}}}}]] || ||<-4> {{{-2 같이 보기 : [[틀:제네시스|{{{#fff 제네시스 디스코그래피}}}]]}}} || }}}}}}}}} || [[분류:필 콜린스]][[분류:둘러보기 틀/음악가]]