[[분류:브리스톨 대학교]] [include(틀:상위 문서, top1=브리스톨 대학교)] [목차] == 개요 == 영국 [[브리스톨 대학교]]의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록. 대학 전반에 대한 자세한 사항은 [[브리스톨 대학교]] 문서 참조. == [[예술대학]] (Faculty of Arts) == === [[예술|예술학부]] (School of Arts) === * '''고고학·인류학 (Department of Archaeology and Anthropology)''' * 인류학과 (BA Anthropology) * 고고인류학과 (BA Archaeology and Anthropology) * '''영화방송학 (Department or Film and Television)''' * 영화방송학과 (BA Film and Television) * '''음악학 (Department of Music)''' * 음악학과 (BA Music) * '''철학 (Department of Philosophy)''' * 철학과 (BA Philosophy) * '''연극학 (Department of Theatre)''' * 연극공연학과 (BA Theatre and Performance Studies) === [[인문대학|인문학부]] (School of Humanities) === * '''고전학·고대사학 (Department of Classics and Ancient History)''' * 고대사학과 (BA Ancient History) * 고전연구학과 (BA Classical Studies) * 고전학과 (BA Classics) * '''영어학 (Department of English)''' * 영어학과 (BA English) * 영문지역사회학과 (BA English Literature and Community Engagement (ELCE))[* 직장인들을 대상으로 직장 생활과 학업 생활을 병행할 수 있는 학과.] * '''역사학 (Department of History)''' * 역사학과 (BA History) * '''미술사학 (Department of History of Art)''' * 미술사학과 (BA History of Art) * '''종교신학 (Department of Religion and Theology)''' * 종교신학과 (BA Religion and Theology) === [[어문계열|현대언어학부]] (School of Modern Languages) === * '''프랑스어학 (Department of French)'''[*ML 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.] * '''독일어학 (Department of German)'''[*ML 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.] * '''히스패닉·포르투갈어·라틴아메리카연구학 (Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies)'''[*ML 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.] * '''이탈리아어학 (Department of Italian)'''[*ML 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.] * '''러시아어학 (Department of Russian)'''[*ML 현대언어학과라는 명칭으로 전공.] === 기타 전공 === * 인문자율전공 (BA Liberal Arts) === 특별 교육기관 === * 학술언어개발센터 (Centre for Academic Language and Development) * 혁신기업가정신센터 (Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship) == [[공과대학]] (Faculty of Engineering) == === [[컴퓨터과학]]·[[전기전자공학과|전기전자공학]]·[[공업수학|공업수학부]] (School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Mathematics) === * '''컴퓨터과학 (Department of Computer Science)''' * 컴퓨터과학과 (BSc Computer Science) * '''전기전자공학 (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)''' * 전기전자공학과 (BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering) * '''공업수학 (Department of Engineering Mathematics)''' * 공업수학과 (BEng Engineering Mathematics) === [[토목공학]]·[[항공우주공학]]·[[기계공학|기계공학부]] (School of Civil, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering) === * '''항공우주공학 (Department of Aerospace Engineering)''' * 항공우주공학과 (BEng Aerospace Engineering) * '''토목공학 (Department of Civil Engineering)''' * 토목공학과 (BEng Civil Engineering) * '''기계공학 (Department of Mechanical Engineering)''' * 기계공학과 (BEng Mechanical Engineering) == [[보건과학대학]] (Faculty of Health Science) == === [[치과대학|브리스톨 치과대학]] (Bristol Dentist School) === * 치의학과 (BDS Dentistry) * 치위생치료학과 (BSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy) === [[의과대학|브리스톨 의과대학]] (Bristol Medical School) === * '''인구보건학 (Department of Population Health Science)''' * 인구보건학협회 (Population Health Science Institute) * 통합역학팀 (MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit) * 국립보건의료연구소 산하 건강보호연구팀 (NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Evaluation of Interventions) * 1차의료센터 (Centre for Academic Primary Care) * 아동보건학술센터 (Centre for Academic Child Health) * 공중보건센터 (Centre for Public Health) * 연구종합결정분석센터 (Centre for Research Synthesis and Decision Analysis) * 브리스톨 보건경제학그룹 (Health Economics at Bristol) * 국립보건의료연구소 산하 브리스톨 임상실험센터 (NIHR Bristol Trials Centre) * 아동화상연구센터 (Scar Free Foundation Centre for Children’s Burns Research) * 브리스톨 외과연구센터 (Bristol Centre for Surgical Research) * 의료윤리센터 (Centre for Ethics in Medicine) * 임상통합연구팀 (Qualitative Research Integrated within Trials) * 말기환자고통완화의료팀 (Palliative and End of Life Care) * 노화운동연구그룹 (Ageing & Movement Research Group) * 브리스톨 기술평가그룹 (Bristol Technology Assessment Group) * ConDuCT-II 임상시험방법연구네트워크 (The MRC Network of Hubs for Trials Methodology Research: ConDuCT-II Hub) * 브리스톨 연구평가회 (Bristol Appraisal and Review of Research) * 의료통계센터 (Centre for Medical Statistics) * 영국 임상연구협력연구소 산하 공중보건향상복합해결발전평가센터 (UKCRC Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement) * '''중개보건학 (Department of Translational Health Sciences)''' * 근골격연구팀 (Musculoskeletal Research Unit) * 류머티즘학그룹 (Academic Rheumatology Group) * 정형외과그룹 (Orthopaedic Surgery Group) * 브리스톨 백신센터 (Bristol Vaccine Centre) * 브리스톨 신장연구소 (Bristol Renal) === [[수의과대학|브리스톨 수의과대학]] (Bristol Veterinary School) === * 수의과학과 (BVSc Veterinary Science) * 수의간호반려동물행동학과 (BSc Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour) === [[해부학|해부학부]] (School of Anatomy) === * 응용해부학과 (BSc Applied Anatomy) == [[자연과학대학|생명과학대학]] (Faculty of Life Sciences) == === [[생명과학|생명과학부]] (School of Biological Sciences) === * 생물학과 (BSc Biology) * 동물학과 (BSc Zoology) * 식물과학과 (BSc Plant Sciences) === [[생화학|생화학부]] (School of Biochemistry) === * 생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry) * 의료생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry) * 분자생명기술생화학과 (BSc Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) === [[세포]][[분자]][[의학|의학부]] (School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine) === * 세포분자의학과 (BSc Cellular and Molecular Medicine) === [[생리학]]·[[약리학]]·[[신경과학|신경과학부]] (School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience) === * 신경과학과 (BSc Neuroscience) * 약리학과 (BSc Pharmacology) * 생리과학과 (BSc Physiological Science) === [[심리학|심리과학부]] (School of Psychological Science) === * 심리학과 (BSc Psychology) == [[자연과학대학|과학대학]] (Faculty of Sciences) == === [[화학|화학부]] (School of Chemistry) === * 화학과 (BSc Chemistry) * 화학물리학과 (BSc Chemical Physics) === [[지구과학|지구과학부]] (School of Earth Sciences) === * 환경지구과학과 (BSc Environmental Geoscience) * 지질학과 (BSc Geology) * 지구물리학과 (BSc Geophysics) * 고생물진화학과 (BSc Palaeontology and Evolution) === [[지리학|지리과학부]] (School of Geographical Sciences) === * 지리학과 (BSc Geography) === [[수학|수학부]] (School of Mathematics) === * 수학과 (BSc Mathematics) * 통계수학과 (BSc Mathematics with Statistics) * 금융통계수학과 (BSc Mathematics with Statistics for Finance BSc) * 데이터과학과 (BSc Data Science) === [[물리학|물리학부]] (School of Physics) === * 물리학과 (BSc Physics) * 천체물리학과 (BSc Physics with Astrophysics) * 수리물리학과 (BSc Mathematics and Physics) * 물리철학과 (BSc Physics and Philosophy) * 전산물리학과 (BSc Physics with Computing) == [[사회과학대학|사회과학]]·[[법과대학]] (Faculty of Social Sciences and Law) == === [[경제학|경제학부]] (School of Economics) === * 경제학과 (BSc Economics) * 계량경제학과 (BSc Economics and Econometrics) * 금융경제학과 (BSc Economics and Finance) === [[교육학|교육학부]] (School of Education) === * 교육연구학과 (BSc Education Studies) * 교육심리학과 (BSc Psychology in Education) === [[정책|정책연구학부]] (School of Policy Studies) === === [[사회학]]·[[정치학]]·[[국제학부]] (School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies) === * '''정치학·국제관계학 (Department of Politics and International Relations)''' * 국제관계정치학과 (BSc Politics and International Relations) * 계량정치학과 (BSc Politics with Quantitative Research Methods) * 정치학·사회학 융합 전공 (BSc Politics and Sociology) * 경제학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Economics and Politics) * 철학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Philosophy and Politics) * 사회정책학·정치학 융합 전공 (BSc Social Policy and Politics) * '''사회학 (Department of Sociology)''' * 사회학과 (BSc Sociology) * 계량사회학과 (BSc Sociology with Quantitative Research Methods) * 사회정책학·사회학 융합 전공 (BSc Social Policy and Sociology) * 사회학·철학 융합 전공 (BSc Sociology and Philosophy) * 신학·사회학 융합 전공 (BA Theology and Sociology) === [[상과대학|브리스톨 대학교 비즈니스 스쿨]] (University of Bristol Business School) === * '''금융회계학 (Department of Accounting and Finance)''' * 금융회계학과 (BSc Accounting and Finance) * 금융학과 (BSc Finance) * '''경영학 (Department of Business and Management)''' * 경영분석학과 (BSc Business Analytics) * 경영학과 (BSc Business and Management) * '''국제경영학 (Department of International Business Management)''' * 국제경영학과 (BSc International Business Management) * '''마케팅학 (Department of Marketing)''' * 마케팅학과 (BSc Marketing) === [[법과대학|브리스톨 대학교 로스쿨]] (University of Bristol Law School) === * 법학과 (LLB Law)